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dc.contributor.advisorHidayat, Nia Kurniawati
dc.contributor.authorFazriaty, Amelia Harnum
dc.description.abstractKampung Agro Edu Wisata Organik (AEWO) Mulyaharja adalah desa agrowisata berbasis masyarakat, dimana terdapat beragam usaha wisata yang dijalankan masyarakat. Wisata ini cukup menarik minat wisatawan, ditandai dengan banyaknya jumlah kunjungan pada tahun 2021. Peningkatan kegiatan wisata berdampak pada kondisi sosial dan perekonomian masyarakat. Di sisi lain, jumlah wisatawan berlebih berpotensi menurunkan kualitas ekologi dan merusak keseimbangan ekosistem. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, yaitu (1) mengidentifikasi dampak wisata terhadap masyarakat lokal dan lingkungan; (2) menganalisis status keberlanjutan usaha wisata; (3) merumuskan strategi alternatif pengelolaan wisata berkelanjutan. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis share income, analisis deskriptif, skala likert, Rapfish, dan PROMETHEE. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan share income wisata masyarakat pelaku usaha cukup tinggi sebesar 55,60%. Nilai persepsi kondisi sosial dan lingkungan baik. Status keberlanjutan usaha wisata cukup berkelanjutan dengan indeks 57,63. Prioritas strategi pengelolaan wisata adalah pemberdayaan SDM pengelola.
dc.description.abstractMulyaharja Agro Edu Organic Tourism (AEWO) Village is a community based agro-tourism village, where there are various tourism businesses run by the community. This tourism is quite attractive to tourists, marked by the large number of visits in 2021. Increased tourism activities have an impact on the social and economic conditions of the community. On the other hand, the excessive number of tourists has the potential to reduce ecological quality and damage the balance of the ecosystem. The objectives of this study, namely (1) identifying the impact of tourism on local communities and the environment; (2) analyzing the sustainability status of tourism businesses; (3) formulating alternative strategies for sustainable tourism management. The methods used are share income analysis, descriptive analysis, likert scale, Rapfish, and PROMETHEE. The results showed that the share income of tourism business community is quite high at 55,60%. The perception value of social and environmental conditions is good. The sustainability status of the tourism business is quite sustainable with a 57,63 index. The priority of tourism management strategies is the empowerment of human resource managers.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Keberlanjutan Usaha Wisata Kampung Tematik Berbasis Agrowisata di Kampung Agro Edu Wisata Organik (AEWO) Mulyaharja, Kota Bogorid
dc.title.alternativeSustainability Analysis of Thematic Village Tourism Business Based on Agritourism in Agro Edu Organic Tourism Village (AEWO) Mulyaharja, Bogor City
dc.subject.keywordDesa Wisataid
dc.subject.keywordshare incomeid

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