Keanekaragaman Rayap pada Lahan Tegakan Jati di Kabupaten Tulungagung dan Wonogiri
Berbagai macam organisme pengganggu tanaman berpotensi dapat menyerang pohon jati termasuk rayap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keanekaragaman spesies rayap pada lahan tegakan jati di Kabupaten Tulungagung dan Wonogiri. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode transek dengan area transek 10 m x 60 m dan pengumpanan dengan kayu pinus yang ditempatkan pada lima kecamatan di Kabupaten Tulungagung (Kalidawir, Pucanglaban, Tanggunggunung, Campur Darat, dan Ngunut) dan lima kecamatan di Wonogiri (Jatiroto, Jatisrono, Sidoharjo, Slogohimo, dan Purwantoro). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sekurang-kurangnya ditemukan empat spesies rayap yaitu Macrotermes gilvus, Odontotermes sp., Microtermes insperatus, dan Nasutitermes havilandi. Keanekaragaman rayap di Wonogiri tergolong sedang dengan nilai H’ tertinggi (1,08), sedangkan keanekaragaman rayap di Tulungagung tergolong rendah dengan H Various kinds of plant disrupting organisms can potentially attack teak trees
including termites. This study aimed to identify the diversity of termite species in teak
stands in Tulungagung and Wonogiri regencies. Sampling using the transect method with
a transect area of 10 m x 60 m and feeding with pine wood placed in five sub-districts in
Tulungagung Regency (Kalidawir, Pucanglaban, Tanggunggunung, Campur Darat, and
Ngunut) and five sub-districts in Wonogiri (Jatiroto, Jatisrono, Sidoharjo, Slogohimo, and
Purwantoro). The results showed that at least four termite species were found, Macrotermes
gilvus, Odontotermes sp., Microtermes insperatus, and Nasutitermes havilandi. Termite
diversity in Wonogiri was classified as medium with the highest H’ value (1.08), while
termite diversity in Tulungagung was low with the lowest H’ (0.59). The dominance value
of termite species in both districts was classified as medium and the evenness value in all
observation locations showed an average high evenness index value. The results of the nonmetric multidimensional scalling analysis showed that Jatiroto Subdistrict and Ngunut
Subdistrict have a high level of species similarity (0.90).
- UT - Plant Protection [2428]