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dc.contributor.advisorRoosita, Katrin
dc.contributor.advisorPalupi, Eny
dc.contributor.authorPriyatnasari, Nabila Sukma
dc.description.abstractJumlah penduduk Indonesia yang besar diikuti dengan peningkatan food demand menyebabkan terjadinya supply gap kebutuhan dan ketersediaan makanan, terutama protein. Indonesia menjadi penghasil karbon terbesar keenam di dunia dengan 61% kontribusi dari emisi perubahan penggunaan lahan dan 9% dari pertanian. Hal tersebut menjadi urgensi perlunya pemanfaatan protein alternatif yang berkelanjutan lingkungan, seperti belalang. Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan formula daging analog belalang bagian perut dan utuh yang terdiri dari tahapan formulasi, uji karakteristik fisik, sensori, dan analisis zat gizi. Daging analog dikembangkan dengan tiga formula menggunakan persentase belalang:kacang merah sebesar F1 (0%:35), F2 (30%:5%) dengan belalang bagian perut, dan F3 (30%:5%) dengan belalang utuh. Belalang utuh dan F3 memiliki kadar protein dan mineral lebih tinggi daripada belalang bagian perut dan F2. Perlakuan F2 memiliki skor PDCAAS tertinggi, yaitu 68,85. Formula terpilih adalah F2 dengan karakteristik fisik dan sensori yang lebih unggul serta skor PDCAAS tertinggi. Satu takaran saji (50 g) mengandung 103 kkal energi; 30,5 g protein; 2,56 g lemak; 0,18 g lemak jenuh, 7,47 mg kolesterol yang memenuhi kontribusi sebesar 4,6% energi, 21,5% protein; 4,1% lemak orang dewasa. Daging analog F2 dengan belalang bagian perut memenuhi klaim pangan tinggi protein, sangat rendah natrium, dan rendah lemak jenuh.
dc.description.abstractIndonesia's large population followed by an increase in food demand has made a gap in the supply and availability of food, especially protein. Indonesia is also the sixth largest carbon emitter in the world with 61% contribution from land use change emissions and 9% from agriculture. This becomes the urgency to utilize alternative proteins that are environmentally sustainable, such as grasshoppers. It leads to the urgency of utilizing alternative proteins, such as grasshoppers. This study aims to compare the abdominal and whole grasshopper meat analog consisting of formulation stages, physical characteristics test, sensory, and nutrient analysis. Meat analog was developed with three formulas using the grasshopper:kidney bean percentage of F1 (0%:35), F2 (30%:5%), and F3 (30%:5%). F2 treatment used abdominal part of grasshopper and F3 used whole grasshopper. Whole grasshopper and F3 have higher protein and mineral content than abdominal part of grasshopper and F2. The F2 treatment had the highest PDCAAS score, which was 68.85. The selected formula was F2 with better physical and sensory characteristics and the highest PDCAAS score. One serving size (50 g) contained 103 kcal of energy; 30.5 g of protein; 2.56 g of fat; 0.18 g of saturated fat, 7.47 mg of cholesterol which meets the contribution of 4.6% energy, 21.5% protein; 4.1% fat of adults. Meat analog F2 (abdominal grasshopper) is able to fulfill the food claims of high protein, very low sodium, and low saturated fat.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePerbandingan Karakteristik Fisik, Sensori, dan Kandungan Gizi Daging Analog Belalang Kayu (Valanga nigricornis) Bagian Perut dan Utuhid
dc.title.alternativeComparison of Physical Characteristics, Sensory, and Nutritional Content of Grasshopper Analog Meat (Valanga nigricornis) Abdominal and Whole Parts
dc.subject.keywordAmino acidid
dc.subject.keywordMeat analogid
dc.subject.keywordSustainable proteinid

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