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dc.contributor.advisorPalupi, Eny
dc.contributor.advisorJannah, Asmanur
dc.contributor.authorBila, Nila Salsa
dc.description.abstractKonsumsi serat masyarakat Indonesia perlu diperhatikan karena termasuk ke dalam kategori kurang yaitu sebesar 10,5 g. Talas Febi521 merupakan salah satu bahan yang mengandung serat tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan formula terbaik egg roll talas tinggi serat. Tahapan penelitian terdiri dari formulasi dan pembuatan prototype egg roll, uji karakteristik fisik, evaluasi sensori, analisis kandungan zat gizi, dan analisis aktivitas air. Penelitian ini menggunakan 4 formula dengan perbedaan rasio tepung terigu, tepung talas, dan tepung mocaf, yakni F0 (100:0:0), F1 (0:40:60), F2 (0:60:40), dan F3 (0:100:0). Formula terpilih yakni formula F2 ditentukan berdasarkan hasil seluruh analisis. Satu takaran saji egg roll yaitu 25 g (2 buah) diketahui mengandung energi (136 kkal), protein (1,9 g), lemak (8,1 g), karbohidrat (13,9 g), dan total serat pangan (3,5 g) serta memenuhi 6,3% kebutuhan energi dan 11,8% kebutuhan serat orang dewasa. Analisis aktivitas air menunjukkan bahwa formula terpilih memiliki aktivitas air sebesar 0,32%. Hasil keseluruhan analisis menunjukkan bahwa egg roll ini diterima dengan baik dan dapat memenuhi klaim sebagai pangan tinggi serat dengan umur simpan yang cukup panjang.
dc.description.abstractIndonesian people need to focus to fiber consumption because it is included in the deficient category, namely 10.5 g. Taro Febi521 is an ingredient that contains high fiber. This research aims to obtain the best formula for taro egg rolls high in fiber. This research was conducted through formulating and making egg roll prototypes, physical characteristic tests, sensory evaluation, nutrient content analysis, and water activity analysis. This research used 4 formulas with different ratios of wheat flour, taro flour, and mocaf flour, namely F0 (100:0:0), F1 (0:40:60), F2 (0:60:40), and F3 (0:100:0). The selected egg roll formula is F2, was determined based on the results of all analyses. One serving of egg roll, namely 25 g (2 pieces), is known to contain energy (136 kkal), protein (1.9 g), fat (8.1 g), carbohydrates (13.9 g), and total dietary fiber (3.5 g) and contributes 6.3% and 11.8% of energy and fiber needs for adults. Water activity analysis shows that the selected formula has a water activity of 0.32%. The results of all analyses show that this egg roll is well accepted and can fulfill its claim as a high-fiber food with long shelf life.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleFormulasi Egg Roll Tinggi Serat Berbahan Talas (Colocasia esculenta var. Febi521)id
dc.title.alternativeFormulation of High-Fiber Egg Roll Made From Taro (Colocasia esculenta var. Febi521)
dc.subject.keywordegg roll,id
dc.subject.keywordhigh-fiber foodid
dc.subject.keywordtaro febi521id

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