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dc.contributor.advisorGunawan, Asep
dc.contributor.advisorSumantri, Cece
dc.contributor.authorSinaga, Gayus Candro
dc.description.abstractIndeks morfometrik merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk menilai jenis dan fungsi ternak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh nilai morfometrik domba garut dan hasil persilangannya. Penelitian ini mengukur morfometrik 46 ekor domba garut dan hasil persilangannya. Peubah yang diukur adalah panjang badan, tinggi badan, tinggi pinggul, lingkar dada, dalam dada, lebar dada, lebar pinggul, panjang pinggul, dan bobot badan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menghitung rata-rata dan simpangan baku. Selanjutnya dihitung indeks morfometri dan diuji apakah terdapat perbedaan nyata antar morfometrik masingmasing persilangan dengan menggunakan uji t independen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tinggi badan dan tinggi pinggul domba pejantan garut lebih besar dibandingkan domba dorper dan batur. Ukuran tubuh anakan lepas sapih jantan dan betina tidak berbeda antara domba garut dan hasil persilangannya. Domba pejantan garut memiliki nilai height slope index dan foreleg length indeks lebih besar dibandingkan domba dorper dan batur. Ukuran indeks morfometrik domba anakan lepas sapih jantan garut lebih besar dibandingkan dengan hasil persilangannya terkait index weight, height slope indeks, dan foreleg length index.
dc.description.abstractMorphometric index is one of the alternatives to assess the type and function of livestock. This study aims to obtain morphometric values of garut sheep and their crosses. This study measured the morphometrics of 46 garut sheep and their crosses. The measured variables were body length, body height, hip height, chest circumference, chest depth, chest width, hip width, hip length, and body weight. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively by calculating the mean and standard deviation. Furthermore, the morphometric index was calculated and tested whether there were significant differences between the morphometrics of each cross using the Independent T test. The results of this study showed that the body height and hip height of garut rams were greater than dorper and batur sheep. The body size of male and female weanlings did not differ between garut sheep and their crosses. garut rams have greater height slope index and foreleg length index values than dorper and batur sheep. The morphometric index size of garut male weaned lambs is greater than the results of their crosses related to index weight, height slope index, and foreleg length index.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleIndeks Morfometrik Domba Garut dan Hasil Persilangnnyaid
dc.title.alternativeMorphometric Index of Garut Sheep and Crossing Results
dc.subject.keywordDomba Garutid
dc.subject.keywordindeks morfometrikid
dc.subject.keywordpersilangan ternakid
dc.subject.keywordanimal crossingid
dc.subject.keywordgarut sheepid
dc.subject.keywordmorphometric indexid

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