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dc.contributor.advisorAnggraeni, Elisa
dc.contributor.authorSaraswaty, Michellia Cempaka
dc.description.abstractCascara kombucha is a beverage produced by fermenting sweet cascara with SCOBY. This design project aims to develop a small-scale cascara kombucha business that has been formulated in the previous design project with the Forest Farmer Group (KTH) Cibulao. The designed solution is to scale up the kombucha production to a capacity of 828 bottles of kombucha per month, targeting consumers in the Jabodetabek area aged 20-49 years old. The product is sold for IDR25.000 (margin 150.93% of the cost of production IDR9.963) to final consumers and IDR20.000 (margin 100.74%) to re-sellers. CasTIN cascara kombucha 250 ml is positioned as a refreshing drink for consumers. The layout design for the production space of 60.04 m2 is done using the Corelap method, considering production capacity, minimal costs, minimal land area, and production process flow. Shelflife testing indicates that the product is good for consumption for approximately 8 months (storage temperature 4-10°C) and 5 days (room temperature storage). The product is packaged in tightly sealed glass bottles to withstand the pressure of CO2 gas resulting from fermentation activity that may still occur. The business process is modeled using BPMN involving KTH Cibulao as cascara supplier, CasTIN as industry or manufacturer, and consumers. The results of the financial feasibility analysis show that the business is feasible to run with the criteria values of NPV (IDR3.115.137.024) > total capital (IDR64.692.595), Net B/C 94.15, IRR 399%, Payback Period of 11 months, ROI 430.79%, and BEP units at 172 bottles and BEP revenue of IDR1.725.884. The profit sharing from the annual net profit will be distributed to the cascara kombucha business CasTIN 85% and to the Agroindustrial Technology Department of IPB University at 15%.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleBusiness Model Canvas Design and Finansial Analysis Of Kombucha Cascara KTH Cibulao Businessid
dc.title.alternativeDesain Model Bisnis Kanvas dan Analisis Finansial Bisnis Kombucha Cascara KTH Cibulao
dc.subject.keywordscale upid
dc.subject.keywordshelf lifeid
dc.subject.keywordbusiness processid

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