Identifikasi Faktor Risiko Pemeliharaan Kucing Terhadap Kasus Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)
Penelitian FLUTD di Indonesia belum banyak membahas pemeliharaan kucing yang memiliki resiko tinggi. Tujuan penulisan proyek akhir ini menganalisa hubungan cara pemeliharaan kucing dengan kasus FLUTD pada kucing di Kamo Pet Clinic. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dan kuesioner serta data hasil uji proksimat kadar abu, fosfor, dan kalsium. Populasi data yangndiperoleh terdiri dari 11 ekor pasien kucing berjenis kelamin jantan (100%). Pasien kebanyakan belum dikastrasi (72,7%). Variabel usia pasien adult usia 3-6 tahun (54,4%), junior 7 bulan-2 tahun (36,4%), dan kitten 6 bulan (9,1%). Pasien didominasi dengan kucing domestik (72,7%) dan mix (27,3%). Pasien kebanyakan berasal dari multi-cat house (45,5%) dengan komposisi jenis kelamin heterogen (100%). Pasien kebanyakan tidak memiliki kandang individu (90,9%). Pasien yang dipelihara indoor lebih sedikit (36,4%) dan sisanya boleh eksplorasi outdoor (63,6%). Komposisi utama dari berbagai merek pakan pasien didominasi oleh tepung jagung (45%), tepung ayam (27,3%), dan sereal (27,3%). Lima dari delapan merk pakan yang digunakan memiliki rasio Ca:P kurang dari ideal dan 1 diantaranya memiliki rasio kalsium kurang dari 1. FLUTD research in Indonesia has not discussed the high-risk
management. The purpose of writing this final project is to analyse the
relationship between cat husbandry and FLUTD cases in cats at Kamo Pet Clinic.
Data were obtained through interviews and questionnaires as well as data from
proximate tests of ash, phosphorus, and calcium levels. The population consisted
of 11 male cat patients (100%). Most patients were intact (72.7%). The age
variable of adult patients was 3-6 years old (54.4%), juniors 7 months-2 years old (36.4%), and kittens 6 months old (9.1%). Patients were predominantly domestic
(72.7%) and mixed (27.3%) cats. Patients were mostly from multi-cat households
(45.5%) with heterogeneous sex composition (100%). Most patients did not have
individual cages (90.9%). Fewer patients were kept indoors (36.4%) and the rest
were allowed outdoor exploration (63.6%). The main composition of the different
brands of feed was dominated by maize meal (45%), chicken meal (27.3%), and
cereals (27.3%). Five of the eight feed brands used had Ca:P ratios less than
ideal and 1 of them had a calcium ratio less than 1.