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dc.contributor.advisorYuwono, Arief Sabdo
dc.contributor.authorRahman, Muhammad Aulia
dc.description.abstractPenduduk perkotaan Pulau Jawa menghasilkan 189.349 ton sampah plastik tiap bulannya, 88,17% sampah plastik tersebut diangkut langsung ke tempat pembuangan sampah. Pemanfaatan limbah plastik dapat ditemukan dalam bidang konstruksi sebagai campuran agregat batu bata dan material subtitusi aspal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengolah dan menguji mutu limbah plastik menjadi guiding block. Material yang digunakan berupa limbah plastik jenis LDPE. Metode yang digunakan pelelehan dan pencetakan. Mutu guiding block diuji berdasarkan parameter densitas dan kuat tekan. Kuat tekan diuji mengacu pada ASTM D695-15 sesuai parameter SNI 8160:2015. Limbah plastik jenis LDPE dipilih karena mudah ditemukan, mudah didaur ulang, fleksibel, dan resisten terhadap reaksi kimia. Densitas guiding block plastik dilakukan prngukuran pada tiga sampel uji dengan rataan 1,47 g/cm3. Rataan kuat tekan yang diperoleh sebesar 17,5 MPa memenuhi syarat minimum SNI 8160:2015 sebesar 17 MPa. Skoring yang dilakukan pengguna (tuna netra) terhadap guiding block plastik sebesar 7,7 dari maksimal
dc.description.abstractThe urban population of Java Island produces 189,349 tons of plastic waste every month, 88.17% of plastic waste is transported directly to landfills. The use of plastic waste can be found in the construction sector as a mixture of brick aggregate and asphalt substitute materials. This research aims to process plastic waste into guiding blocks and test the quality of the conversion results. The material used is LDPE type plastic waste. Method used is melting and molding. The quality of the guiding block is tested based on density and compressive strength parameters. Compressive strength was tested referring to ASTM D695-15 according to the parameters of SNI 8160:2015. LDPE plastic waste was chosen because it is easy to find, easy to recycle, has good flexible, and resistant to chemical reactions. Plastic guiding block density testing was carried out on three test samples with an average of 1.47 g/cm3. The average compressive strength obtained was 17.5 MPa meets the minimum requirements in SNI 8160:2015 of 17 MPa. The scoring by users (blind) of the final sample plastic guiding blocks was 7.7 out of a maximum of
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePemanfaatan Limbah Plastik Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Menjadi Guiding Block Melalui Metode Pelelehanid
dc.title.alternativeUtilization of Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Plastic Waste into Guiding Blocks Using the Melting Methodid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordcompressive strengthid
dc.subject.keywordguiding blocksid
dc.subject.keywordLow Density Polyethylene (LDPE)id
dc.subject.keywordplastic wasteid

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