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dc.contributor.advisorYuwono, Arief Sabdo
dc.contributor.authorMardiana, Dina
dc.description.abstractIndonesia menghasilkan limbah pangan 300 kg per kapita setiap tahun. Upaya mereduksi limbah pangan dilakukan dengan metode biokonversi oleh larva black soldier fly (BSF) yang berpotensi dijadikan pakan unggas. Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisis karakteristik biokonversi limbah pangan dengan larva BSF, memproduksi pakan ayam kampung, dan menganalisis perbandingan pertumbuhan ayam kampung yang diberi pakan limbah pangan dan pakan hasil biokonversi.. Hasil biokonversi diperoleh persen reduksi, waste reduction index (WRI), fresh matter consumption rate (FMCR), dry matter matter reduction (DMR), dry matter consumption rate (DMCR). Hasil biokonversi limbah pangan mencapai persen reduksi 86,9%, WRI 5,8%/hari, FMCR 64,5 mg/larva/hari, DMR 55,46% dan DMCR 36,5 mg/larva/hari. Produksi pakan menggunakan tepung larva BSF hasil biokonversi sebagai substitusi protein sebesar 38%. Pemberian pakan berpengaruh nyata (p<0,05) terhadap pertumbuhan ayam kampung. Pertumbuhan ayam kampung dengan pakan hasil biokonversi lebih baik dibandingkan ayam kampung yang diberi pakan limbah
dc.description.abstractIndonesia produces 300 kg of food waste per capita every year. Efforts to reduce food waste are carried out by the bioconversion method by black soldier fly (BSF) larvae which has the potential to be used as poultry feed. The research was conducted to analyze the characteristics of food waste bioconversion with BSF larvae, produce backyard chicken feed, and analyze the growth comparison of backyard chickens fed with food waste feed and bioconverted feed. Bioconversion results obtained percent reduction, waste reduction index (WRI), fresh matter consumption rate (FMCR), dry matter reduction (DMR), dry matter consumption rate (DMCR). The results of bioconversion of food waste reached a reduction percent of 86.9%, WRI 5.8%/day, FMCR 64.5 mg/larvae/day, DMR 55.46% and DMCR 36.5 mg/larvae/day Feed production using bioconverted BSF larval flour as a protein substitution of 38%. Feeding had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the growth of native chickens. The growth of native chickens with bioconverted feed was better than native chickens fed with food waste
dc.titleStudi Komparasi Aspek Lingkungan Pengolahan Limbah Pangan untuk Pakan Unggas antara Biokonversi dan Penggunaan Langsungid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordAyam kampungid
dc.subject.keywordblack soldier flyid
dc.subject.keywordlimbah panganid

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