Kelimpahan Populasi Walang Sangit Leptocorisa Oratorius (F.) Dan Kerusakan Yang Ditimbulkannya Pada Pertanaman Padi Di Desa Sidomulyo, Kecamatan Pangandaran, Kabupaten Pangandaran
Rice bug Leptocorisa oratoius (F.) is one the important pests that can reduce
rice production due to suction on the grains at milk ripening stage. This purpose of
study the population abundance of Leptocorisa oratorius and the damage it caused
on rice field in Sidomulyo Village, Pangandaran District, Pangandaran Regency,
West Java. Observations of rice bug were carried out on farmer's land in Sidomulyo
Village, Pangandaran. This study included observing the development of the
abundance of the rice bug population, observing natural enemies, observing the
level of attack by the rice bug on panicle rice, and analyzing data. Observations
were made directly by observing 15 sample units measuring 1 m2 with a distance
of 5 meters between sample units. Observations were made from plants aged 49 to
98 days after planting (DAP). The results showed that rice bug adults was found at
56 DAP age of rice planting. Adults rice bug L. oratorius began to be found in rice
plantations at 56 DAP, while small and large nymphs were found at 63 DAP and
66 DAP. The age structure of the rice bug population in rice plantations aged 66 to
98 DAP consisted of a mixture of small nymphs, large nymphs and adults. The level
of damage to rice grains due to attacks by the rice bug reached 29.02%. The
predators found on rice plantations are Pardosa pseudoannulata, Oxyopes sp.,
Andrallus spinidens, and Paederus fuscipes.
- Plant Protection [185]