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dc.contributor.advisorFauzan, Muhammad
dc.contributor.advisorMentari, Sekar
dc.contributor.authorAji, Bima Sukma
dc.description.abstractDampak gempa yang fatal adalah keruntuhan bangunan secara tiba-tiba. Keruntuhan tersebut diakibatkan kinerja bangunan tidak cukup baik menahan deformasi bangunan saat kondisi inelastic. Salah satu gedung yang berisiko keselamatan paling tinggi adalah Gedung Pascasarjana UNRI. Penelitian ini menganalisis respon struktur dan level kinerja struktur gedung 1 dan 2 pascasarjana UNRI menggunakan metode analisis pushover. Berdasarkan analisis respon struktur, gedung bertlanslasi di pola ragam 1 dan 2, dilanjutkan berotasi pada pola 3. Syarat partisipasi massa 90% pada gedung 1 dan 2 terpenuhi di mode shape ke-6 dan simpangan antarlantai juga memenuhi syarat SNI 1726-2019. Berdasarkan analisis pushover pada gedung 1, titik kinerja diperoleh ketika perpindahan 188,4 mm (X) dan 210 mm (Y) dengan gaya geser 8.211,6 kN (X) dan 6.721,9 kN (Y). Pada gedung 2, ketika perpindahan 193 mm (X) dan 265 (Y) dengan gaya geser maksimum diperoleh sebesar 16.099 kN (X) dan 12.421 kN (Y). Sendi plastis kedua gedung, pertama kali terbentuk di balok sehingga memenuhi strong column weak beam. Kinerja struktur gedung PC adalah Immediate Occupancy atau hanya mengalami kerusakan minor pada elemen
dc.description.abstractThe fatal impact of an earthquake is the sudden collapse of a building. The collapse is caused by the performance of the building is not good enough to withstand the deformation of the building during inelastic conditions. One of the buildings with the highest safety risk is the UNRI Postgraduate Building. This research analyzes the structural response and structural performance level of UNRI postgraduate buildings 1 and 2 using the pushover analysis method. Based on the structural response analysis, the building translates in variation patterns 1 and 2, followed by rotation in pattern 3. The 90% mass participation requirement in buildings 1 and 2 is met in the 6th mode shape and the inter-storey deviation also meets the requirements of SNI 1726-2019. Based on pushover analysis in building 1, the performance point is obtained when the displacement is 188,4 mm (X) and 210 mm (Y) with shear forces amounted to 8.211,6 kN (X) and 6.721,9 kN (Y). In building 2, when the displacements are 193 mm (X) and 265 (Y) with maximum shear forces obtained of 16.099 kN (X) and 12.421 kN (Y). The plastic joints of both buildings, first occurred in the beam thus fulfilling the strong column weak beam. The structural performance of the PC building is Immediate Occupancy or only minor damage to nonstructural
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Kinerja Struktur Gedung Pascasarjanan Universitas Riau Menggunakan Metode Pushover Analysisid
dc.title.alternativePushover Analysis of Riau University Using Pushover Analysis Methodid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordPostgraduate Buildingid
dc.subject.keywordPushover Analysisid
dc.subject.keywordPerformance Levelid

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