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dc.contributor.advisorYowono, Arief Sabdo
dc.contributor.authorBeda, Anastasia Uba
dc.description.abstractIndustri penyamakan kulit menjadi salah satu sumber timbulnya gangguan kebauan di lingkungan karena menghasilkan limbah gas berupa amonia (NH3) dan hidrogen sulfida (H2S). Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis efektivitas kulit kelapa dan ranting pohon sebagai media biofilter untuk mereduksi gangguan kebauan dari pabrik kulit dan menentukan skala kebauan berdasarkan konsentrasinya dalam udara ambien. Pengujian dilakukan dengan pengukuran konsentrasi gas kebauan menggunakan alat ukur NH3 dan H2S serta metode panel. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa media biofilter kulit kelapa mampu mereduksi kebauan dengan efisiensi sebesar 100% jika menggunakan alat ukur dan 96,5% menggunakan metode panel, sedangkan media biofilter ranting pohon mampu mereduksi kebauan dengan rata-rata efisiensi sebesar 100%, baik menggunakan alat ukur maupun metode panel. Korelasi antara konsentrasi gas kebauan dan skala hedonisme cukup kuat dengan nilai R2 lebih dari 0,8. Semakin besar konsentrasi gas kebauan di udara, semakin negatif atau semakin rendah skala
dc.description.abstractThe leather tanning industry is one of the sources of odor in the environment because it produces waste gases in the form of ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of coconut shells and tree branches as biofilter media to reduce odor from leather factories and determine the scale of odor based on its concentration in ambient air. The test was conducted by measuring the concentration of odoriferous gases using NH3 and H2S measuring instruments and panel method. The results of the analysis showed that the coconut husk biofilter media was able to reduce the odor with an efficiency of 100% when using measuring instruments and 96.5% using the panel method, while the tree branch biofilter media was able to reduce the odor with an average efficiency of 100%, both using measuring instruments and the panel method. The correlation between the concentration of odorant gas and the hedonic scale is quite strong with an R2 value of more than 0.8. The greater the concentration of odorant gas in the air, the more negative or lower the hedonism
dc.description.sponsorshipPT. Unilab Perdanaid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Variasi Media Biofilter untuk Mereduksi Gangguan Kebauan Lingkungan dari Pabrik Kulitid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordcoconut huskid
dc.subject.keywordenvironmental odor nuisanceid
dc.subject.keywordleather factoryid
dc.subject.keywordtree branchesid

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