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dc.contributor.advisorRisdiyanto, Idung
dc.contributor.authorPrasetya, Oktarian Lisdi
dc.description.abstractMayoritas petani di Kampung Darim menggunakan pompa air berbahan bakar fosil saat musim kemarau yang menghasilkan emisi gas rumah kaca dan polutan. Penelitian ini mengevaluasi potensi tenaga surya sebagai pengganti bahan bakar fosil dan menilai efektivitas pembiayaannya. Penelitian dilakukan dari September 2023 hingga Februari 2024. Analisis regresi digunakan untuk menganalisis hubungan intensitas radiasi surya dan putaran mesin pompa. Wawancara terbuka dengan petani dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan pompa air. Efisiensi pompa bertenaga surya dievaluasi dengan membandingkan biaya modal dan operasionalnya dengan pompa berbahan bakar fosil. Uji validitas dan reliabilitas wawancara dilakukan untuk menilai pengetahuan petani dalam penggunaan pompa dan irigasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wilayah studi memiliki potensi radiasi surya yang mendukung pengembangan pembangkit listrik tenaga surya untuk irigasi. Intensitas radiasi surya optimum untuk pompa air bertenaga surya adalah ≥ 500 W/m², yang dapat menghasilkan putaran mesin ±232 RPM dengan debit ±650 liter/menit. Penggantian bahan bakar fosil dengan tenaga surya hanya efisien untuk mesin diesel (79.5%), namun tidak efisien untuk bensin dan LPG (-16,7% dan -168,4). Pengetahuan petani di Kampung Darim tentang penggunaan pompa air beragam, sehingga efisiensi irigasi berbeda-beda. Standar irigasi sawah masih diperlukan sebelum penerapan tenaga
dc.description.abstractThe majority of farmers in Darim Village use fossil fuel water pumps during the dry season, resulting in greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants that impact climate change. This study evaluated the potential of solar power as a replacement for fossil fuels and assessed its cost-effectiveness. The study was conducted from September 2023 to February 2024. Regression analysis was used to analyze the relationship between solar radiation intensity and pump engine speed. Open-ended interviews with farmers were conducted to determine the factors that influence the use of water pumps. The efficiency of solar-powered pumps was evaluated by comparing their capital and operating costs with fossil-fueled pumps. Interview validity and reliability tests were conducted to assess farmers' knowledge in pump use and irrigation. The results showed that the study area has solar radiation potential that supports the development of solar power plants for irrigation. The optimum solar radiation intensity for solar-powered water pumps is ≥ 500 W/m², which can produce an engine rotation of ± 232 RPM with a discharge of ± 650 liters/minute. Replacing fossil fuels with solar power is only efficient for diesel engines (79.5%), but inefficient for gasoline and gas(-16,7% and -168,4). The knowledge of farmers in Darim Village on the use of water pumps varies, resulting in different irrigation efficiency. Standardized irrigation of paddy fields is still needed before the implementation of solar
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKajian Potensi Penerapan Tenaga Surya Untuk Pompanisasi Irigasi Sawah (Studi Kasus Kampung Darim, Kabupaten Indramayu).id
dc.title.alternativeAssessment of the Potential Application of Solar Power for Rice Field Irrigation Pumpingid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordpaddy fieldid
dc.subject.keywordsolar radiationid
dc.subject.keywordwater pumpid

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