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dc.contributor.advisorMartianto, Drajat
dc.contributor.advisorHeryatno, Yayat
dc.contributor.authorAninnas, Afi
dc.description.abstractFood waste merupakan masalah global yang secara tidak langsung cukup berpengaruh pada angka kelaparan akibat terjadinya kesenjangan jumlah produksi dan konsumsi pangan. Food waste adalah setiap bagian makanan, baik yang dapat dimakan maupun yang tidak dapat dimakan, dan yang keluar dari rantai pasokan makanan. Salah satu sumber food waste adalah supermarket. Penelitian mengenai food waste di supermarket, khususnya di Asia sangat penting untuk mengidentifikasi masalah dan mencari solusi menangani food waste. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi jenis food waste yang dihasilkan supermarket, serta mempelajari faktor determinan dan langkah manajemen food waste oleh supermarket. Metode penelitian ini mencakup proses perumusan masalah, pencarian literatur, penyaringan berdasarkan judul dan abstrak, penyaringan literatur lengkap, ekstraksi, analisis, dan sintesis data. Hasil penelusuran awal diperoleh total 794 artikel. Setelah melalui proses penyaringan bertahap, diperoleh 8 artikel untuk dianalisis lebih lanjut. Hasil analisis menunjukkan faktor determinan timbulnya food waste dapat ditinjau dari pihak supermarket dan konsumen, seperti standar produk, sistem penjualan, preferensi konsumen dan lainnya. Jenis food waste yang dihasilkan pada umumnya berupa kategori avoidable food waste dan terdiri dari kelompok sayur dan buah, serta daging. Manajemen food waste yang dilakukan meliputi redistribusi makanan, pakan ternak, produksi biogas dan kompos, serta melalui perbaikan sistem penjualan dan pemberian
dc.description.abstractFood waste is a global problem that indirectly influences hunger rates due to gaps in food production and consumption. Food waste is any part of food, both edible and inedible, and that leaves the food supply chain. One source of food waste is supermarkets. Research on food waste in supermarkets, especially in Asia, is very important to identify problems and find solutions to deal with food waste. This research aims to identify the types of food waste produced by supermarkets, as well as studying the determinant factors and food waste management steps by supermarkets. This research method includes the process of problem formulation, literature search, screening based on titles and abstracts, complete literature screening, extraction, analysis and data synthesis. Initial search results obtained a total of 794 articles. After going through a gradual screening process, 8 articles were obtained for further analysis. The results of the analysis show that the determinants of food waste can be viewed from supermarkets and consumers, such as product standards, sales systems, consumer preferences and others. The type of food waste produced is generally in the avoidable food waste category and consists of vegetables and fruit, as well as meat. Food waste management carried out includes redistribution of food, animal feed, biogas and compost production, as well as through improving sales systems and providing
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Faktor Determinan dan Manajemen Food Waste Supermarket di Asia: Systematic Literature Reviewid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of Determinant Factors and Management of Food Waste Supermarkets in Asia: Systematic Literature Reviewid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordfaktor determinanid
dc.subject.keywordfood wasteid
dc.subject.keywordstudi literaturid

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