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dc.contributor.advisorWulandari, Nur
dc.contributor.authorSyifa, Filza Aini
dc.description.abstractSetiap konsumen berhak atas produk pangan olahan yang aman dan berkualitas. Sayangnya, banyak pelaku usaha pangan olahan yang tidak menerapkan sistem keamanan pangan, termasuk Cara Produksi Pangan Olahan yang Baik (CPPOB) dalam produksinya. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan masih terbatasnya usaha mikro kecil menengah (UMKM) pangan yang memiliki Izin Penerapan CPPOB (IP-CPPOB). IP-CPPOB merupakan persyaratan dasar agar produk pangan memperoleh izin edar makanan dalam (MD) BPOM. UMKM Dapur Umak merupakan UMKM pangan olahan cilok ayam suwir yang belum menerapkan CPPOB dalam proses produksinya. Kegiatan ini bertujuan mengevaluasi dan memperbaiki penerapan CPPOB pada sarana produksi UMKM Dapur Umak hingga memperoleh IP-CPPOB. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan: (1) menganalisis kesenjangan penerapan CPPOB sebelum dan sesudah pendampingan menggunakan checklist dari BPOM; (2) memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan dan mendampingi proses perbaikan; (3) menyusun dokumen CPPOB; serta (4) mendaftarkan IP-CPPOB. Hasil analisis kesenjangan sebelum pendampingan menunjukkan rating sarana produksi UMKM Dapur Umak yaitu D (sangat kurang) dan persentase rata-rata nilai kesesuaian sebesar 46,22%. Setelah dilakukan pendampingan, terjadi peningkatan rating sarana produksi menjadi A (sangat baik) dan persentase rata-rata nilai kesesuaian penerapan CPPOB menjadi 100,00%. Semua dokumen persyaratan pendaftaran IP-CPPOB telah disusun dan siap digunakan untuk pendaftaran MD BPOM dan IP-CPPOB telah berhasil diperolehid
dc.description.abstractEvery consumer has the right to receive processed food products whose safety and quality are guaranteed. Unfortunately, there are still many processed food businesses who do not implement a food safety system, including Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) in their production processes. This is demonstrated by the limited number of micro and small food enterprises (SME) that obtain Implementation Permit of GMP (IP-GMP). The IP-GMP is a basic requirement for food products to obtain a food distribution permit (MD) from BPOM. UMKM Dapur Umak is an SME producing cilok filled by shredded chicken, which has not fully implemented GMP in its production process. The aim of this research is to evaluate and improve the implementation of GMP in the SME Dapur Umak production facilities to obtain an IP-GMP. The research was conducted by: (1) analyzing gaps in the implementation of GMP before and after mentoring using a checklist from BPOM; (2) provide recommendations for improvement and accompany the improvement process; (3) prepare GMP documents; (4) and register for IP-GMP. The results of the gap analysis before mentoring showed that the rating of the SME Dapur Umak production facility was D (very poor) and the average percentage of compliance value was 46,22%. After mentoring and assistance program, the production facility rating increased to A (very good) and the average percentage of compliance value for implementing GMP became 100,00%. Apart from that, all the required documents for IP-GMP registration have been prepared and are ready to be used for MD BPOM registration. The IP-GMP certificate has been successfully
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenerapan Cara Produksi Pangan Olahan yang Baik oleh UMKM Pangan Dapur Umak Kota Bogorid
dc.title.alternativeApplication of Good Manufacturing Practices by Food SMEs Dapur Umak in Bogor Cityid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid

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