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dc.contributor.advisorYuliati, Lilik Noor
dc.contributor.authorSimanjuntak, Sylvia Frisca Margaretha
dc.description.abstractThe attendance of the internet is used by marketing person to create a new shopping environtment that is e-commerce. One of real forms of the e-commerce is online shop. The purpose of this research was for analizing an example purchasing behaviour. Design of this research was cross sectional study. The election of research location was done with purposively, those are Kaskus, Facebook Online Shop, and Komunitas Online Shop. The pattern election was performed with purposive way that was the consumer who had shopped fashion, book and electronic. The kind of product was most bought by example that does not work that is fashion, meanwhile the example works that is a book. The frequeny of buying of the two example groups are included in low category. The address of online shop was most visited by example that does not work that was Kaskus, meanwhile the example works thas was Facebook online shop. The expense of online shopping by example that does not work including low category, meanwhile for the example that works including very high category. The payment method is had by the example groups was transfer method. Gotten nine factors that become an independent variable those are sex, age, education, job status, income, life style, benefit perception, risk perception, and online searching. Sex, income, benefit perception, and online searching variables are significant factors that influence a purchasing behaviour. Keywords: life style, perceived benefit, perceived risk, searching online, evaluation alternative and purchased
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.subject.ddcHuman ecologyid
dc.subject.ddcFamily and consumer sciencesid
dc.titlePersepsi manfaat dan risiko dalam perilaku pembelian konsumen online shopid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordPersepsi manfaatid
dc.subject.keywordPersepsi risikoid
dc.subject.keywordPencarian onlineid
dc.subject.keywordGaya hidupid
dc.subject.keywordEvaluasi informasiid
dc.subject.keywordPerilaku pembelianid

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