dc.contributor.advisor | Putra, Heriansyah | |
dc.contributor.author | Lamuse, Maulina | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2024-05-20T23:32:48Z | |
dc.date.available | 2024-05-20T23:32:48Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2024-05-20 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.ipb.ac.id/handle/123456789/150687 | |
dc.description.abstract | Clay shale menyebabkan masalah dalam konstruksi apabila telah tersingkap karena sifat ekspansif dan mudah lapuk. Metode perbaikan tanah dengan calcite precipitation efektif meningkatkan daya dukung dan menurunkan potensi pengembangan tanah ekspansif. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi peningkatan parameter kuat geser clay shale dengan metode calcite precipitation. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan uji properties tanah, laju hidrolisis dan rasio presipitasi, serta uji direct shear pada tanah jenuh (saturated) dan kering (dry). Properties clay shale menunjukkan nilai PL, LL, dan PI sebesar 41.60%, 21.97%, dan 19.62%, dengan klasifikasi tanah lempung plastisitas rendah hingga sedang (CL). Konsentrasi optimum untuk treatment diperoleh pada konsentrasi kedelai 20 g/L dengan rasio presipitasi 93%, Pada sampel treated-saturated peningkatan nilai kohesi (c') dari 4.10 kPa menjadi 12.07 kPa dan sudut gesek internal (φ') dari 0.54° menjadi 2.87°. Peningkatan signifikan pada sampel treated-dry dengan c' dari 7.53 kPa menjadi 183.84 kPa dan φ' dari 2.31° menjadi 19.25°. Penerapan metode SCU-CP lebih efektif pada clay shale. | id |
dc.description.abstract | Clay shale, known for its expansive and weathered characteristics, poses challenges in construction when exposed. The calcite precipitation method offers a viable solution to bolster load-bearing capacity and counteract potential soil expansion while ensuring reversible changes. This study aims to evaluate improvements in the shear strength parameters of clay shale through the calcite precipitation method. The research involved soil properties tests, hydrolysis rate and precipitation ratio analyses, and direct shear tests on both saturated and dry soil specimens. Results showed clay shale samples with PL, LL, and PI values of 41.60%, 21.97%, and 19.62%, respectively, categorizing them as low to medium plasticity clayey soils (CL). The optimal treatment concentration was determined at 20 g/L soybean concentration with a precipitation ratio of 93%. In treated-saturated conditions, cohesion (c') increased from 4.10 kPa to 12.07 kPa, and internal friction angle (φ') rose from 0.54° to 2.87°. Remarkable enhancements were observed in treated-dry samples, with c' increasing from 7.53 kPa to 183.84 kPa, and φ' rising from 2.31° to 19.25°. The SCU-CP method effectively improved the properties of dry clay shale. | id |
dc.language.iso | id | id |
dc.publisher | IPB University | id |
dc.title | Perbaikan Parameter Kuat Geser Tanah Clay Shale dengan Penambahan Kalsit dengan Metode SCU-CP | id |
dc.title.alternative | Improvement of Shear Strength Parameters of Clay Shale by Adding Calcite using SCU-CP Method | id |
dc.type | Undergraduate Thesis | id |
dc.subject.keyword | Calcite | id |
dc.subject.keyword | clay shale | id |
dc.subject.keyword | expansive | id |
dc.subject.keyword | residual shear strength | id |
dc.subject.keyword | SCU-CP | id |