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dc.contributor.advisorMutaqin, Kikin Hamzah
dc.contributor.advisorGiyanto, Giyanto
dc.contributor.authorPurba, Feyensa Hanun
dc.description.abstractPadi merupakan tanaman pangan utama dan sumber karbohidrat penting di Indonesia. Jumlah konsumsi beras di Indonesia semakin meningkat, sedangkan produksi padi menunjukkan grafik yang fluktuatif. Keberadaan patogen pada kulit benih, embrio, dan endosperm benih dapat menurunkan mutu benih padi. Deteksi bakteri terbawa benih padi dilakukan melalui uji Gram menggunakan KOH 3% dan pewarnaan bakteri serta uji hipersensitivitas menggunakan tanaman indikator tembakau. Bakteri Burkholderia glumae dan Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae ditemukan pada padi varietas Inpari 42, Ciherang, dan Pandan Wangi di Desa Sukaresmi, Kecamatan Tamansari Kabupaten Bogor. Perlakuan sortasi benih padi tanpa gejala dari yang bergejala memberikan mutu benih lebih baik yaitu bobot 1000 butir, viabilitas dan pertumbuhan padi. Benih padi bergejala memiliki bobot 1000 butir, viabilitas dan pertumbuhan padi yang lebih rendah dari pada sampel padi tanpa gejala atau sampel campuran tanpa gejala dan bergejala. Perlakuan elektroterapi dengan parameter arus listrik 12 V DC dan 1 A selama 30 menit dalam larutan elektrolit NaCl 1 M berpengaruh nyata terhadap daya kecambah benih bergejala pada varietas Inpari 42, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap benih varietas Ciherang dan Pandan Wangi. Perlakuan elektroterapi pada benih bergejala berpengaruh terhadap panjang tajuk tanaman varietas Ciherang, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap panjang tajuk tanaman Inpari 42 dan Pandan
dc.description.abstractRice is the main food crop and an important source of carbohydrates in Indonesia. The amount of rice consumption in Indonesia is increasing, while rice production shows a fluctuating graph. Rice production is affected by the physiological, physical, and genetic quality of its seeds. The presence of pathogens in the part of including coat, embryo, and seed endosperm can reduce seed quality. The bacteria carried by rice seeds was detected through Gram test using KOH 3% and Gram staining and hypersensitivity reaction (HR) test using tobacco as indicator plants. Bacteria Burkholderia glumae and Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae were found in rice varieties Inpari 42, Ciherang, and Pandan Wangi in Sukaresmi Village, Tamansari District, Bogor Regency. The sortation treatment gave symptomless rice seed samples better seed quality, namely weight of 1000 grains, viability, and seedling growth than those symptomatic seed samples. Symptomatic rice seeds have a lower weight of 1000 grains, seed viability, and plant growth than symptomless seed samples or mixed samples of both symptomless and symptomatic seeds. Electrotherapy treatment including electric current at 12 V DC, 1 A for 30 minutes in 1 M NaCl electrolyte solution significantly affects the germination of symptomatic seeds of the Inpari 42 variety but does not significantly affect the seeds of the Ciherang and Pandan Wangi varieties. Electrotherapy treatment on symptomatic seeds affects the length of the plant crown of the Ciherang variety but does not affect the length of the plant crown of the Inpari 42 and Pandan Wangi
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleSortasi dan Elektroterapi Benih Padi yang Terdeteksi Membawa Bakteri Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae dan Burkholderia glumaeid
dc.title.alternativeSortation and Electrotherapy of Rice Seeds that Carry Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and Burkholderia glumaeid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordElectric currentid
dc.subject.keywordSeed-borne bacteriaid
dc.subject.keywordSeed treatmentid
dc.subject.keywordSeed viabilityid

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