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dc.contributor.authorAnggarawati, Sri Hastuti
dc.description.abstractINTRODUCTION. Jati Unggul Nusantara (JUN) is a type of teak trees which is developed from Perhutani Superior Teak (JPP) and is developed further and produced by PT Setyamitra Bhaktipersada and Cooperative of Perumahan Wanabakti Nusantara. Plantation of teak trees often faces the problem of attack by pest. One of the pests which attack teak plantation is Hyblaea puera Cr, which often severely defoliates teak plantation in the beginning of rainy season. According to information the JUN planted by the Cooperative of Perumahan Wanabakti Nusantara (KPWN), is currently attacked by H. puera. The extent of infestation and the development of this pest on JUN plantation owned by KPWN has not been known. Therefore, monitoring of the infestation of H.puera on this plantationis badly needed. MATERIALS AND METHOD. This research comprised the activities of determining observation plots; labeling of trees; and field observation in each plot which include measurement of tree height and diameter, counting the number of trees attacked by H. puera every 2 weeks, counting the total number of leaves and number of young leaves attacked by H.puera in each tree, counting the number of larvae of H. puera present in each tree in each observation plot, and observing other pests occurring in each observation plot. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Research results showed that percentage of occurrence of H. puera attack was increasing during the observation period. The highest occurrence at the last observation, 9 October 2008, namely as much as 93.1 %. Intensity of infestation showed fluctuation, with ranged of 12.2 to 12.6 %. Number of H.puera larvae per tree during observation period fluctuated from 0.08 to 1.30 individuals. Number of larvae per 0.1 ha fluctuated from 4.75 to 64.5 individuals. Attack by H.puera during observation did not significantly affect the height and girth of teak stems. Other pests found in this study, beside H. puera were Xyleutus sp, Agrius sp, and white grub of Lepidiota stigma. These pests were considered as being not dangerous yet (insignificant). CONCLUSION. Percentage of occurence by H. puera exhibited increase with time, and intensity of infestation fluctuated from time to time. Number of larvae per tree and per hectare exhibited fluctuation which was due probably to environmental condition, particularly the existence of young leaves which constituted the insect’s food, that could affect the life of H.puera. Attack by H. puera during the observation, did not affect height and girth of teak
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectIntensity of infestationid
dc.subjectJati Unggul Nusantaraid
dc.subjectNumber of larvaeid
dc.subjectPercentage of occurrenceid
dc.titleMonitoring Serangan Hyblaea puera Cramer Pada Tanamanid

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