Studi Peluang Aplikasi Produksi Pembersih Pada Industri Tempe (Study On Aplication Opportunities Of Cleaner Production In The Tempeh Industry)
The purpose of this study was to examine the opportunities for applying cleaner production in the tempeh industry through the identification of material and energy flow, analysis of the feasibility of alternative cleaner production technically, financially, and environmentally, as well as determining the opportunity opportunities for implementing cleaner production. The research method had for steps, i.e. quick scan stage, identification of material and energy flow, feasibility analysis that had consisted technical, financial (Pay back period and B/C), and environmental aspect, and exponential comparison method for the selection of priority applications. Stages of the processing of tempeh were done by the process of soaking, boiling, hulling, separation of epidermis, washing, cooling, fermentation, and packaging. With a scale of 250 kg soybean production, the industry had produced 393.176 Kg of tempeh, and also had produced wastewater 3597.5 liters and solid waste in the form of epidermis and germs 142.824 kg. Alternative cleaner production opportunities were (1) Good house keeping with B/C 1.17 and PBP 2.02 years, (2) the use of huller machines had a B/C 4.01 and PBP value of 1.38 years, (3) epidermis flour with B/C 1.67 and PBP 2.37 months), and (4) water recycle with B/C 4.22 and PBP 6.28 months..