dc.description.abstract | PT. Wana Hijau Pesaguan (PT. WHP) is a company operating in the field of industrial forest plantations in Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan
Province. The company has a strong commitment to sustainable forest management. To minimize the negative impact of forest exploitation on plant
biodiversity in the area, it is necessary to identify the existence of protected and/or rare plant species, their threats, as well as efforts to manage and
monitor biodiversity that need to be carried out. This research aims to identify habitat conditions and plant biodiversity in the PBPH area of PT. WHP,
Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan Province. In the PBPH area of PT. WHP consists of 440 species which can be grouped into 98 families, where
the highest plant species richness is found in secondary dryland forests (381 species) and the least is found in shrubs (24 species). Based on its protection
status, in the PBPH area of PT. WHP did not find any protected plant species according to Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation (Permen
LHK) No. P.106 of 2018; However, 5 types of endemic plants were found; found 3 types of plants included in the CITES Appendix II List; and found 12
(twelve) types of plants which are classified as VU/Vulnerable according to IUCN, 1 (one) type which is classified as EN/Endangered according to
IUCN, and 4 (two) types of plants which are included in the CR category /Critically Endangered according to IUCN. There are 4 threats to plant
biodiversity in the PBPH area of PT. WHP are (1) Illegal logging, (2) Area encroachment, (3) Availability of resources to manage and monitor plants
is still lacking, and (4) Forest and land fires. Plant biodiversity management activities in the PBPH area of PT. WHP needs to do are boundary marking,
internal and external outreach, prevention and protection of plant biodiversity, further surveys of plant species population status, and coordination
with related agencies and the community. Plant biodiversity monitoring activities in the PBPH area of PT. WHP that needs to be carried out are plant
diversity and density, the effectiveness of preventing and controlling disturbances to plant biodiversity, as well as monitoring the intensity of
disturbances to plant biodiversity. | id |