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dc.contributor.authorGinoga, Lin Nuriah
dc.description.abstractThe increase in Indonesia's population has resulted in an increase in food needs, especially to meet the need for animal protein as the main nutritional component. Poultry or bird meat is one of the main producers of animal protein in Indonesia. A breakthrough is needed to find wild bird species found in Indonesia that can be used as a source of animal protein. One species of bird that has the potential to be used as a source of animal protein is the grouse. Captive breeding efforts, namely cultivation outside the natural habitat for grouse, are very necessary to prevent their extinction, so that they can be used sustainably. This requires knowledge about the ecology of grouse and their captive breeding
dc.titlePenangkaran Burung Belibis Kembang (Dendrocygna Arcuata) Sebagai Sumber Protein Hewaniid
dc.subject.keywordCaptive breedingid
dc.subject.keywordecology of grouseid
dc.subject.keywordsources of animal proteinid

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