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dc.contributor.advisorLaila, Sri Rahmatul
dc.contributor.advisorPamungkas, Joko
dc.contributor.authorRahmat, Nur Nadhirah
dc.description.abstractSatwa primata pada penangkaran rentan terhadap stress dan infeksi agen penyakit, termasuk Klebsiella sp. Keberadaan Klebsiella spp. pada satwa ini telah dikaitkan dengan berbagai kondisi kesehatan serius, termasuk pneumonia, meningitis, peritonitis, sistitis, dan septicemia hingga bisa menimbulkan kematian. Dalam penelitian ini, telah dikonfirmasi bahwa tiga individu Macaca fascicularis (1 jantan, 2 betina) di Pusat Studi Satwa Primata (PSSP) yang mati terinfeksi oleh Klebsiella pneumoniae. Organ limpa diambil untuk dibuat preparat histopatologi dengan pewarnaan hematoksilin eosin dan dievaluasi lesio yang terjadi secara mikroskopis. Hasil patologi anatomi dari limpa menunjukkan adanya lesion nodul putih berukuran 0.5-1.0cm yang berisi massa berwarna kuning, histopatologi menunjukkan adanya koagulasi nekrosis di pulpa putih, infiltrasi sel radang (neutrofil, limfosit, dan sel plasma) dan hemosiderosis di pulpa putih dan pulpa merah, serta perdarahan pada limpa di pulpa merah. Lesio yang ditemukan menunjukkan terjadinya splenitis pada limpa. Keberadaan lesiolesio ini akan menyebabkan disfungsi dari
dc.description.abstractPrimate animals are like humans in both anatomy and behavior and are therefore widely used in biomedical research. In captivity, primate animals are susceptible to stress and infection with disease agents, including Klebsiella sp. The presence of Klebsiella spp. in these animals has been associated with a variety of serious health conditions, including pneumonia, meningitis, peritonitis, cystitis, and septicemia, that can lead to death. In this study, it was confirmed that three Macaca fascicularis individuals (1 male and 2 females) at the Primate Research Center (PSSP) that died were infected by Klebsiella pneumoniae. Spleen organs were taken for histopathological preparations with hematoxylin and eosin staining, and the lesions were evaluated microscopically. Gross anatomy of the spleen showed white nodules measuring 0.5-1.0 cm in diameter, filled with a yellow, solid material. Histopathology results revealed coagulation necrosis in the white pulp, inflammatory cell infiltration (neutrophils, lymphocytes, and plasma cells) along with hemosiderosis in both red and white pulps, as well as hemorrhage in the red pulp. These lesions indicate the presence of splenitis in the spleen, leading to dysfunction in this
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleHistopatologi Limpa Macaca fascicularis dengan Infeksi Klebsiella pneumoniaeid
dc.title.alternativeSpleen Histopathology of Macaca fascicularis with Klebsiella pneumoniae Infectionid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordKlebsiella pneumoniaeid
dc.subject.keywordMacaca fascicularisid

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