Feasibility Study For BP Forest Carbon Offset Project
Identification Of Potential Offset Area And Stakeholder Engagement
BP Indonesia, one of oil and gas company which operates in Teluk Bintuni District, has a
commitment to reduce emissions by around 1 million tons of CO2 per year. Some of the actions
that have been carried out are rehabilitation activities in an area of 1,320 hectares. However, this
action is still far from reaching the emission reduction target. Therefore, these efforts need to be
expanded through other mechanisms, such as a carbon offset mechanism or other mechanisms
that are recognized by the central government and the international community. For this reason,
BP Indonesia requires studies to make further decisions regarding emission reduction strategies
that comply with national regulations or international carbon trading requirements.
Faculty of Forestry, IPB University is mandated to conduct the feasibility study for BP carbon offset
project. This report is a part of the study carried out in West Papua Province, Indonesia. The
project will have four reports delivered: (1) inception report; (2) Mid Term report 1; (3) Mid Term
report 2; and (4) Final Report. Inception report has been delivered in March 2023 and contains the
preliminary result of the study, while this report is a mid-term report 1 containing: (i) a finding of
implementation and implication of applicable regulations of forest carbon offset in West Papua;
(ii) identification of potential working areas, including land status and ownership, ecological and
social condition assessment; and (iii) result from the stakeholder engagement workshop, which
was held in Manokwari on 14 June 2023.
This report will be followed by mid-term report 2, which contain: (i) result from carbon inventory
activity in BP Indonesia watershed forest rehabilitation area and assessment for carbon sink
business unit; and (ii) Carbon stock calculation simulation and its sink in a certain period in
implementation scale (forest management unit). Following the mid-term report 2, a final report
will be delivered summarizing this study, including cost analysis for BP carbon offset project.
- Forest Management [206]