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dc.contributor.advisorIsmayana, Andes
dc.contributor.advisorBantacut, Tajuddin
dc.contributor.authorLaura, Aurelia Frederica
dc.description.abstractModern Rice Milling Plant (MRMP) merupakan sarana penggilingan modern yang terintegrasi mulai dari pengeringan, penyimpanan gabah dan pengolahan padi menjadi beras hingga gudang beras. Permasalahan downtime mesin yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan produktivitas menurun. Oleh karena itu analisis efisiensi produksi dan sistem pemeliharaan (maintenance) diperlukan untuk menilai kinerja produksi dan mesin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat produktivitas kerja mesin dryer dan Rice Milling Unit (RMU) melalui perhitungan nilai Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), analisis six big losses, analisis fishbone diagram, dan identifikasi sistem pemeliharaan melalui penerapan Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), dan memberikan alternatif solusi berupa rekomendasi perbaikan untuk meningkatkan kinerja produksi dan mesin. Terdapat tiga faktor utama dalam perhitungan OEE yaitu ketersediaan mesin dan peralatan(availability), kinerja (performance), dan kualitas (quality). Rata-rata pencapaian nilai OEE pada mesin dryer dan Rice Milling Unit (RMU) di Modern Rice Milling Plant (MRMP) BULOG Kendal masih dibawah standar dari perusahaan kelas dunia yaitu sebesar 85%. Analisis six big losses menunjukkan bahwa reduce speed losses merupakan faktor dominan yang menyebabkan rendahnya nilai OEE pada mesin dryer dan RMU. Reduce speed losses terjadi karena kinerja mesin yang kurang optimal. Untuk mengatasi masalah, maka perlu dilakukan perbaikan pada mesin dryer dan RMU seperti membuat jadwal pergantian komponen mesin, menambah teknisi pemeliharaan mesin untuk mempercepat penanganan kerusakan mesin, dan melakukan peningkatan terhadap penerapan TPM sehingga dapat tercapainya efisiensi produksi dan perusahaan mampu memproduksi beras dengan optimal. Kata kunci: efisiensi, modern rice milling plant, overall equipment effectiveness, total productive maintenanceid
dc.description.abstractModern Rice Milling Plant (MRMP) is a modern integrated milling facility starting from drying, grain storage and processing of paddy into rice to rice warehouses. The problem of high machine downtime can cause decreased productivity. Therefore an analysis of production efficiency and maintenance systems is needed to assess production and machine performance. This study aims to analyze the work productivity level of the dryer machine and the Rice Milling Unit (RMU) by calculating the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) value, analyzing six big losses, analyzing fishbone diagrams, and identifying maintenance systems through the implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), and provide alternative solutions in the form of proposed improvements to improve production and engine performance. There are three main factors in calculating OEE, machine and equipment availability, performance, and quality. The average OEE score for dryer machines and Rice Milling Units (RMU) at BULOG Kendal's Modern Rice Milling Plant (MRMP) is still below the standards of world-class companies, which is 85%. The analysis of six big losses shows that reduced speed losses are the dominant factor causing the low OEE value on the dryer and RMU machines. Reduced speed losses occur due to less than optimal engine performance. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to make improvements to the dryer and RMU machines such as making a schedule for replacing machine components, adding machine maintenance technicians to speed up handling machine damage, and making improvements to the application of TPM so that production efficiency can be achieved and the company is able to produce rice optimally. Keywords: efficiency, modern rice milling plant, overall equipment effectiveness, total productive maintenanceid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Efisiensi Produksi dan Sistem Pemeliharaan (Maintenance) Modern Rice Milling Plant Perum BULOG Kendalid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of Production Efficiency and Maintenance System of Modern Rice Milling Plant Perum BULOG Kendalid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordmodern rice milling plantid
dc.subject.keywordoverall equipment effectivenessid
dc.subject.keywordtotal productive maintenanceid

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