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dc.contributor.advisorDjuita, Nina Ratna
dc.contributor.advisorAstuti, Inggit Puji
dc.contributor.authorNabilah, Mentari Ischa
dc.description.abstractDiospyros maritima Blume is a dioecious plant, in native habitats male plants are more difficult to find than female plants, which affects plant reproduction. Conservation planning and plant breeding are needed to overcome this problem. It is important to have information about the phenology of D. maritima Blume in order to preserve and breed the plants. The study aimed to analyze the phenology of flower and fruit formation of D. maritima Blume, such as the phase and time of the flowering period, environmental factors that affect flowering, and morphological changes in flower and fruit development. Three female and three male D. maritima Blume trees from the Bogor Botanical Garden's collection that were originally from Halmahera, North Maluku, were observed. The initiation phase, small bud phase, large bud phase, anthesis phase (flower bloom), fruit development phase, and fruit ripening phase all occur during one period of flower and fruit development, which lasts for around 10 months (277–292 days). The microclimate of air humidity affects the timing and size of the flower development phase, while light intensity affects the timing and size of the fruit ripening phase. Morphological changes are found in each phase, such as changes in the texture, color, and shape of the plant's flower and
dc.description.abstractDiospyros maritima Blume merupakan tumbuhan berumah dua. Pada habitat aslinya tumbuhan jantan lebih sulit dijumpai dibandingkan tumbuhan betina, sehingga memengaruhi reproduksi tumbuhan. Perencanaan konservasi dan pemuliaan tumbuhan diperlukan untuk mengatasi hal tersebut. Dalam upaya konservasi dan pemuliaan tumbuhan diperlukan informasi mengenai fenologi D. maritima Blume. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis fenologi pembentukan bunga dan buah D. maritima Blume meliputi aspek-aspek yaitu fase dan waktu periode pembungaan, faktor lingkungan yang memengaruhi pembungaan, serta perubahan morfologi perkembangan bunga dan buah. Pengamatan dilakukan pada tiga pohon betina dan tiga pohon jantan D. maritima Blume yang merupakan koleksi Kebun Raya Bogor yang berasal dari Halmahera, Maluku Utara. Satu periode perkembangan bunga dan buah yang meliputi fase inisiasi, fase kuncup kecil, fase kuncup besar, fase antesis (bunga mekar), fase perkembangan buah, dan fase pemasakan buah berlangsung selama ±9–10 bulan (277–292 hari). Iklim mikro kelembapan udara memengaruhi waktu dan ukuran pada fase perkembangan bunga dan intensitas cahaya memengaruhi waktu dan ukuran fase pemasakan buah. Perubahan morfologi ditemukan pada setiap fase meliputi perubahan tekstur, warna dan
dc.publisherIPB universityid
dc.titleFenologi Pembungaan dan Pembentukan Buah Diospyros maritima Blume di Kebun Raya Bogorid
dc.title.alternativeFlowering Phenology and Fruit Development of Diospyros maritima Blume in Bogor Botanical Gardenid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordDiospyros maritima Blumeid

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