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dc.contributor.advisorSunarti, Euis
dc.description.abstractKeputusan dalam keluarga didasarkan pada pengetahuan keluarga. Pengambilan keputusan berutang memengaruhi sistem keluarga salah satunya tekanan ekonomi keluarga. Secara umum, penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik keluarga, pengetahuan riba, karakteristik pinjaman, dan keputusan berutang terhadap tekanan ekonomi keluarga nasabah Bank Emok. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif cross sectional study melalui wawancara kuesioner terstruktur dengan melibatkan 120 keluarga nasabah Bank Emok yang telah dipilih menggunakan simple random sampling. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan riba istri termasuk dalam kategori tinggi dan tekanan ekonomi keluarga berada dalam kategori rendah hingga sedang. Karakteristik pinjaman pada Bank Emok berhubungan negatif signifikan dengan tekanan ekonomi keluarga. Hasil uji model regresi linear berganda secara umum menemukan usia suami dan lama pendidikan suami berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap tekanan ekonomi serta dimensi risiko pengambilan keputusan berutang dan mekanisme kehadiran berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap tekanan ekonomi
dc.description.abstractDecisions in the family are based on family knowledge. Debt decision affects the family system, one of which is family economic pressure. In general, this study analyzes the effect of family characteristics, usury knowledge, loan characteristics, and debt decisions on the economic pressures of Bank Emok customers families. The research was conducted using a quantitative cross-sectional study approach through structured questionnaire interviews involving 120 families of Bank Emok customers who had been selected using simple random sampling. The results show that the wife's usury knowledge is included in the high category and the family’s economic pressure is in the low to moderate category. Loan characteristics at Bank Emok have a significant negative relationship with family economic pressure. The results of the test of the multiple linear regression model generally found that the husband's age and the husband's education had a significant negative effect on economic pressures as well as the risk dimension of debt decision-making and the mechanism of presence had a significant positive effect on family economic
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengetahuan Riba dan Keputusan Berutang terhadap Tekanan Ekonomi Keluarga Nasabah Bank Emokid
dc.title.alternativeThe Influence of Usury Knowledge and Debt Decisions on Economic Pressure of Bank Emok Customer Familiesid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordBank Emokid
dc.subject.keyworddebt decision-makingid
dc.subject.keywordeconomic pressureid
dc.subject.keywordusury knowledgeid

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