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dc.contributor.advisorYuliasih, Indah
dc.contributor.authorSinaga, Gabriel Natanael Merasano
dc.description.abstractPepaya afkir merupakan kategori buah yang kualitasnya tidak memenuhi standar yang sudah ditentukan. Tujuan proyek ini mendapatkan desain proses dan produk olahan pepaya afkir yang dapat diaplikasikan pada skala kecil di KN Jaya Farm dan sesuai dengan minat Masyarakat. Tahapan proyek ini yaitu fase eksplorasi, pendefinisian masalah, ideasi, pengembangan prototipe, dan validasi. Observasi lapang dan wawancara dilakukan dengan mitra KN Jaya Farm. Permasalahan yang diketahui yaitu banyaknya pepaya afkir yang belum termanfaatkan. Ide solusi dari permasalahan yaitu diperlukan usaha diversifikasi produk olahan dari Pepaya Calina, yaitu fruit leather. Pengembangan prototipe dilakukan dengan desain proses pemasakan dan pengeringan. Pemasakan dilakukan pada suhu 80oC selama 3 sampai 5 menit dan pengeringan dilakukan pada suhu 50oC selama 18 jam. Formula terbaik untuk fruit leather yaitu Pepaya Calina (500 gram), mangga (250 gram), gula pasir (112,5 gram), air (30 gram), icing sugar (20 gram), pektin (7,5 gram), kulit jeruk nipis (2,5 gram), dan asam sitrat (1,5 gram), dengan rendemen sebesar 25,11%. Hasil organoleptik menghasilkan nilai rata-rata disukai berdasarkan parameter warna, aroma, rasa, dan tekstur. Desain produk dilakukan dengan memilih kemasan toples plastik Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) serta label. uji penerimaan target konsumen terhadap produk menyatakan bahwa 93,7% responden menyatakan produk layak untuk dijual dan 85,7% responden berminat untuk membeli produk fruit
dc.description.abstractRejected papaya is a category of fruit whose quality does not meet predetermined standards. The aim of this project is to obtain a process design and processed product of rejected papaya that can be applied on a small scale at KN Jaya Farm and in accordance with the interests of the community. The stages of this project are the exploration phase, problem definition, ideation, prototype development, and validation. Field observations and interviews were conducted with KN Jaya Farm partners. The known problem is the large number of rejected papayas that have not been utilized. The idea of a solution to the problem is that it is necessary to diversify processed products from Calina Papaya, namely fruit leather. Prototype development is done by designing the cooking and drying process. Cooking is done at 80oC for 3 to 5 minutes and drying is done at 50oC for 18 hours. The best formula for fruit leather is papaya calina (500 grams), mango (250 grams), sugar (112.5 grams), water (30 grams), icing sugar (20 grams), pectin (7.5 grams), skin lime (2.5 grams), and citric acid (1.5 grams), with a yield of 25.11%. The organoleptic results yielded the preferred average values based on the parameters of color, aroma, taste and texture. Product design is done by choosing Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) plastic jar packaging and labels. test of consumer acceptance of the product stated that 93.7% of respondents said the product was fit for sale and 85.7% of respondents were interested in buying fruit leather
dc.description.sponsorshipProgram OVOC IPBid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleDesain Proses dan Produk Fruit Leather Pepaya Calina Afkirid
dc.title.alternativeProcess and Product Design Fruit Leather from Rejected Calina Papayaid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordproduct diversificationid
dc.subject.keywordfruit leatherid
dc.subject.keywordcalina papayaid

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