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dc.contributor.advisorRoosita, Katrin
dc.contributor.authorCahyani, Yayu
dc.description.abstractTujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pola konsumsi, kebiasaan merokok, dan profil lipid darah laki-laki dewasa di Desa Sukajadi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2022-Februari 2023 pada 73 orang subjek laki-laki yang dipilih secara purposive dengan desain studi cross-sectional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dan pengambilan sampel darah. Jenis makanan pokok, makanan tinggi lemak, makanan manis, minuman manis, sayur, dan buah yang paling sering dikonsumsi subjek adalah nasi, tempe goreng, wafer, kopi, ketimun, dan pisang. Rata-rata Tingkat Kecukupan Energi (TKE) subjek sebesar 82,8±38,3%, terkategori defisit ringan, sementara rata-rata Tingkat Kecukupan Karbohidrat (TKK) dan Tingkat Kecukupan Lemak (TKL) subjek terkategori defisit ringan (masing-masing sebesar 81,3±39,3% dan 84,8±53,8%). Rata-rata Tingkat Kecukupan Lemak Jenuh (TKLJ) dan Tingkat Kecukupan Kolesterol (TKKol) subjek terkategori cukup (masing-masing sebesar 47,1±28,4% dan 58,5±53,3%), sementara rata-rata Tingkat Kecukupan Serat (TKS) subjek terkategori kurang yaitu sebesar 22,8±15,7%. Mayoritas subjek (76,7%) merupakan perokok aktif. Rata-rata kadar kolesterol total subjek adalah sebesar 211±44 mg/dL, terkategori sedikit tinggi. Rata-rata kadar kolesterol LDL dan kolesterol HDL subjek terkategori mendekati optimal (masing-masing sebesar 115±29 mg/dL dan 47±10 mg/dL. Rata-rata kadar trigliserida subjek terkategori normal, yaitu sebesar 130±70 mg/dL. Terdapat korelasi yang signifikan (p<0,05) antara kebiasaan merokok dengan kadar kolesterol total dan kolesterol
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to analyze the consumption patterns, smoking habits, and blood lipid profiles of adult men in Sukajadi Village. This study was conducted in October 2022-February 2023 on 73 purposively selected men subjects with a cross-sectional study design. Data collection was done through interviews and blood sampling. The staple foods, high-fat foods, sweet foods, sugary drinks, vegetables, and fruits most often consumed by the subjects were rice, fried tempeh, wafers, coffee, cucumbers and bananas. The average energy adequacy level (TKE) of the subjects was 82.8±38.3%, categorized as mild deficit, while the average level of carbohydrate adequacy (TKK) and fat adequacy level (TKL) of the subjects was categorized as mild deficit (respectively at 81.3±39.3% and 84.8±53.8%). The average saturated fat adequacy level (TKLJ) and cholesterol adequacy level (TKKol) of the subjects were categorized as sufficient (respectively at 47.1±28.4% and 58.5±53.3%), while the average fibre adequacy level (TKS) of subjects categorized as the deficit was 22.8±15.7%. The majority of subjects (76.7%) were active smokers. The average total cholesterol level of the subjects was 211±44 mg/dL, categorized as a borderline. The subjects' average LDL and HDL cholesterol levels were categorized as near-optimal (respectively at 115±29 mg/dL and 47±10 mg/dL). The average triglyceride level of subjects was categorized as normal, which was 130±70 mg/dL. There was a significant correlation (p<0.05) between smoking habits and total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol
dc.titlePola Konsumsi, Kebiasaan Merokok, dan Profil lipid Darah Laki-laki Dewasa di Desa Sukajadiid
dc.title.alternativeConsumption Pattern, Smoking Habits, and Blood Lipid Profile of Adult Men in Sukajadi Villageid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordblood lipid profileid
dc.subject.keywordfood consumptionid
dc.subject.keywordnutrients adequacy levelid
dc.subject.keywordsmoking habitsid

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