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dc.contributor.advisorSuprihatin, Suprihatin
dc.contributor.authorSalsabila, Laras Ghita
dc.description.abstractKecamatan Ciampea adalah salah satu Kecamatan di Kabupaten Bogor dengan permasalahan sampah yang krusial. Belum terdapatnya pengolahan terhadap sampah organik dan plastik, serta sampah hanya langsung dibuang ke TPA Galuga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini merancang sistem pengolahan sampah organik dan plastik berbasis ekonomi sirkular. Penentuan komposisi sampah dilakukan dengan sampling sampah berdasarkan SNI 19-3964-1995 selama 8 hari berturut – turut. Berdasarkan sampling yang dilakukan, diperoleh rata- rata komposisi sampah organik, sampah anorganik, dan sampah lainnya secara berurutan adalah 51%, 45%, dan 4%. Jenis pengolahan menghasilkan produk yang bernilai jual, dimana sampah organik mudah membusuk akan dikomposkan dengan bantuan larva BSF, sementara sampah plastik akan diolah menjadi cacahan plastik dan biji plastik. Sampah organik yang direduksi sebesar 80%. Sampah plastik yang akan dicacah adalah jenis plastik PE, PP, PET, dan sachet multilayer. Jenis plastik utama yang akan di didtribusikan ke mitra X adalah jenis plastik
dc.description.abstractCiampea District is one of the districts in Bogor Regency with critical waste issues. There is currently no processing of organic and plastic waste, and the waste is directly disposed of in the Galuga landfill. The aim of this research is to design a waste processing system based on circular economy principles. The determination of waste composition was carried out by sampling waste based on SNI 19-3964- 1995 for 8 consecutive days. Based on the sampling conducted, the average composition of organic waste, inorganic waste, and other waste is 51%, 45%, and 4%, respectively. The chosen waste processing methods aim to produce valuable products. Organic waste, which is easily biodegradable, will be composted with the help of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae, while plastic waste will be processed into plastic flakes and plastic pellets. The reduction of organic waste is targeted at 80%. The plastic waste to be shredded includes PE, PP, PET, and multilayer sachet plastics. The main type of plastic to be distributed to partner X is PE
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleDesain Proses Pengolahan Sampah Organik dan Plastik dalam Rangka Penerapan Ekonomi Sirkular di Kecamatan Ciampeaid
dc.title.alternativeDesign of Organic and Plastic Waste Processing in the Implementation of Circular Economy in Ciampea Districtid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid

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