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dc.contributor.advisorArkeman, Yandra
dc.contributor.advisorHambali, Erliza
dc.contributor.authorTabina, Adinda Salfa
dc.description.abstractPT Ratu Bio Indonesia merupakan industri maklon yang berfokus pada home care, hand soap, dan hand sanitizer. Saat ini perusahaan akan melakukan perluasan permintaan formulasi produk ke ranah sektor personal care. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, diperlukan data mengenai preferensi konsumen mengenai karakteristik produk body lotion, krim wajah, dan sabun tanah yang akan dianalisis menggunakan metode Konjoin. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, didapatkan bahwa konsumen menyukai body lotion yang memiliki berat bersih 300 ml, krim wajah sebanyak 50 ml, dan sabun tanah sebanyak 50 ml. Keunggulan body lotion yang diinginkan oleh konsumen, yaitu memiliki kemampuan sebagai pelembab dengan aroma fresh sedangkan krim wajah yang diharapkan konsumen memiliki kemampuan sebagai pelembab dengan hidrasi tinggi. Produk sabun tanah yang diharapkan memiliki kandungan kaolin dengan ukuran yang kecil. Rentang harga yang diinginkan untuk produk body lotion adalah Rp70.000 – 80.000, krim wajah pada harga Rp80.000 – 100.000, dan sabun tanah berada di harga Rp15.000 – 20.000. Hasil perhitungan preferensi konsumen dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa harga merupakan atribut dengan tingkat kepentingan tertinggi. Hasil personal care dianalisis terhadap preferensi awal menggunakan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), terdapat kesesuaian antara formulasi dengan harapan konsumen, kecuali pendaftaran sertifikat BPOM, daya serap krim wajah, serta kelengkapan informasi sabun
dc.description.abstractPT Ratu Bio Indonesia operates as a tolling industry, specializing in the production of home care, hand soap, and hand sanitizer products. Presently, the company aims to extend its market reach by diversifying into the personal care sector. To facilitate this strategic expansion, it becomes essential for the company to acquire comprehensive insights into consumer preferences concerning various product attributes, encompassing body lotion, face cream, and clay soap. These valuable data points will undergo meticulous examination through the utilization of the Conjoint method. The analysis revealed distinct consumer inclinations regarding the desired product attributes. Notably, consumers favor body lotion with potent moisturizing qualities and refreshing fragrance. For face cream, the emphasis lies in its efficacy to provide substantial moisturization. Similarly, the consumers' preference for the clay soap product centers around a compact soap size infused with kaolin. Regarding pricing expectations, consumers exhibit specific ranges within which they anticipate product costs. These ranges are as follows: IDR 70,000 to 80,000 for body lotion, IDR 80,000 to 100,000 for face cream, and IDR 15,000 to 20,000 for clay soap. An in-depth analysis of consumer preferences elucidated that price holds the utmost significance in their decision-making process. Consequently, to gauge the alignment of personal care products with consumers' initial preferences, an Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) was executed. Overall, the product formulations exhibited congruence with consumer expectations, with the exception of certain aspects such as the registration of BPOM certificates, absorption capacity of face creams, and adequacy of information pertaining to clay
dc.description.sponsorshipBPDPKS (Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit)id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Preferensi dan Penerimaan Konsumen terhadap Produk Personal Care Berbahan Sukrosa Esterid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of Consumer Preference and Acceptance of Personal Care Products Made from Sucrose Estersid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordbody lotionid
dc.subject.keywordclay soapid
dc.subject.keywordester sucroseid
dc.subject.keywordface creamid

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