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dc.contributor.advisorYuliasih, Indah
dc.contributor.authorHutomo, Bagaskoro Adi
dc.description.abstractTelur asin merupakan produk olahan telur yang digemari oleh mayoritas masyarakat, tetapi mengandung kadar kolesterol melebihi batasan asupan harian bagi manusia. Produk telur asin rendah kolesterol menjadi jawaban atas keresahan masyarakat. Data permintaan telur bebek asin di 6000 gerai Indomaret Jabodetabek menunjukkan adanya kebutuhan pasokan harian minimum sebanyak 6000 butir/hari ke setiap gerai. Pemenuhan kebutuhan pasokan di gerai Indomaret dilakukan dengan penggandaan skala proses produksi dari skala laboratorium ke skala industri. Penggandaan skala menggunakan acuan proses produksi skala laboratorium sejumlah 120 butir dengan formulasi pemeraman selama 12 hari dalam larutan garam dengan perbandingan garam dan air adalah 1:2 yang dicampur bawang putih, sereh, dan daun jeruk cincang, perendaman dalam larutan soda 20% selama empat jam, dan pengukusan selama satu jam yang ditingkatkan skala proses produksinya menjadi kapasitas produksi skala industri sebesar 3000 butir. Peralatan yang digunakan pada titik fokus penggandaan skala proses adalah jacketed mixing tank, container box, rak pemeraman, tangki larutan soda, soda generator, dan steamer. Pendirian industri telur asin rendah kolesterol dikatakan layak dengan kriteria NPV sebesar Rp5.405.113.928, IRR sebesar 14,37%, Net B/C sebesar 1,18, dan PBP selama 1,5 tahun. Analisis sensitivitas menunjukkan penurunan harga jual dengan nilai switching value 16,68% memiliki pengaruh yang lebih sensitif terhadap perubahan arus kas dibandingkan peningkatan biaya operasional produksi dengan nilai switching value 30,
dc.description.abstractSalted eggs are a processed egg product favored by the majority of the population, but they contain a cholesterol level that exceeds the daily intake limit for humans. Low-cholesterol salted egg products provide an answer to the concerns of the community. Data on demand for salted duck eggs at 6000 Indomaret outlets in Jabodetabek shows a minimum daily supply requirement of 6000 eggs per day per outlet. The fulfillment of supply needs at Indomaret outlets is achieved by scaling up the production process from laboratory scale to industrial scale. Scaling up is based on a production process reference from the laboratory scale of 120 eggs with a 12-day curing formulation in a salt solution with a salt-to-water ratio of 1:2, mixed with chopped garlic, lemongrass, and citrus leaves, soaked in a 20% soda solution for four hours, and steamed for one hour. This scaled-up production process increases the industrial-scale production capacity to 3000 eggs. The equipment used at the focal point of the scaling-up process includes a jacketed mixing tank, container box, curing rack, soda solution tank, soda generator, and steamer. The establishment of a low-cholesterol salted egg industry is deemed feasible with an NPV criterion of Rp5,405,113,928, IRR of 14.37%, Net B/C of 1.18, and PBP of 1.5 years. Sensitivity analysis shows that a decrease in selling price with a switching value of 16.68% has a more sensitive impact on cash flow changes compared to an increase in production operational costs with a switching value of
dc.description.sponsorshipDirektorat Kemahasiswaan (Ditmawa)id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenggandaan Skala dan Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Produksi Telur Asin Rendah Kolesterol di Cilincing - Jakarta Utaraid
dc.title.alternativeScale Up and Financial Feasibility Analysis of Low Cholesterol Salted Egg Production in Cilincing - North Jakartaid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordtelur asinid
dc.subject.keywordrendah kolesterolid
dc.subject.keywordpenggandaan skalaid
dc.subject.keywordneraca massaid
dc.subject.keywordneraca energiid
dc.subject.keywordperalatan industriid
dc.subject.keywordkonsentrasi larutan garamid
dc.subject.keywordkonsentrasi larutan sodaid
dc.subject.keywordanalisis kelayakan finansialid
dc.subject.keywordSalted eggid
dc.subject.keywordlow cholesterolid
dc.subject.keywordscale upid
dc.subject.keywordmass balanceid
dc.subject.keywordenergy balanceid
dc.subject.keywordindustrial equipmentid
dc.subject.keywordconcentration of salt solutionid
dc.subject.keywordconcentration of soda solutionid
dc.subject.keywordfinancial feasibility analysisid

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