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dc.contributor.authorSembiring, Yehezkiel Ebry Novrain
dc.description.abstractProduk pangan steril harus memiliki nilai F0 sekurang-kurangnya 3,0 menit yang dihitung berdasarkan spora Clostridium botulinum. Produk sterilisasi rentan terhadap kerusakan pada proses sterilisasi sehingga dibutuhkan kemasan dan desain proses yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan kemungkinan keberhasilan proses sterilisasi. Pada saat produta dilakukan beberapa tahapan yaitu pengujian distribusi panas, pengujian desain proses sterilisasi, dan pengujian penetrasi panas tongseng kambing degan desain proses yang terpilih. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa retort yang digunakan HnR Food memiliki keseragaman suhu yang baik. Retort mencapai CUT selama 12 menit 45 detik. Desain proses memperhatikan beberapa aspek yaitu penyusunan kemasan dalam retort, suhu sealing kemasan, tekanan pada saat shock cooling dan proses venting. Penyusunan dilakukan secara diagonal, suhu sealing kemasan 150℃, tekanan pada saat shock cooling stabil di 1 atm dan dilakukan proses venting sebelum proses sterilisasi. Berdasarkan desain proses tersebut, nilai F0 (menit) yang didapat adalah 4,539; 9,145; 7,115; 9,292; 7,317; 10,227. Nilai F0 juga dihitung secara manual dengan metode trapesium dan nilai F0 perhitungan tidak berbeda jauh dengan F0 pada alat. Desain proses yang terpilih kemudian dijadikan SOP untuk proses sterilisasi
dc.description.abstractA sterile food product must have an F0 value of at least 3.0 minutes calculated on the basis of Clostridium botulinum spores. Sterilization products are susceptible to damage during the sterilization process, so proper packaging and process design are required to increase the probability of the success of the sterilization process. When the product is carried out several stages, namely testing the heat distribution, testing the design of the sterilization process, and testing the heat penetration of the goat tongseng with the selected process design. The test results show that the retort used by HnR Food has good temperature uniformity. The retort reached CUT in 12 minutes 45 seconds. The process design takes into account several aspects, namely the preparation of the packaging in the retort, the packaging sealing temperature, the shock cooling pressure and the venting process. The preparation is done diagonally, the packaging sealing temperature is 150℃, the shock cooling pressure is stable at 1 atm and the venting process is carried out before the sterilization process. Based on the process design, the value of F0 (minutes) obtained is 4.539; 9.145; 7.115; 9,292; 7.317; 10,227. The F0 value is also calculated manually using the trapezoidal method and the calculated F0 value is not much different from t on the tool. The selected process design is then used as the SOP for the next sterilization
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleDesain Proses Termal Pada Sterilisasi Produk Tongseng Kambing dalam Retort Pouch di HnR Foodid
dc.title.alternativeThermal Process Design for Sterilization of Goat Tongseng Products in Retort Pouches at HnR
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordHeat distributionid
dc.subject.keywordretort pouchid

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