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dc.contributor.advisorJuniantito, Vetnizah
dc.contributor.advisorSupriatna, Iman
dc.contributor.authorEdzlyzam, Jasmin Aneesya
dc.description.abstractA cadaver of laying hen was found dead due to a highly widespread virus known as Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) that has caused serious decrease in egg production as much as 70% leading to economic losses in the chicken industry. This case study was aimed to study the histopathological changes of IBV in poultry in order to reveal chronological sequences in the decrease of egg production in laying hens. Organ samples were collected from the ovaries, oviduct, as well as lungs and kidneys as secondary findings. Afterwards, organ were being processed for histopathological examinations and stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin. Histopathologically, it can be seen that there were multiple lesions presence along the reproductive tract characterized by edematous, oophoritis, inflammation, and necrosis accompanied by a multifocal infiltration of inflammatory cells dominated by lymphocytes and plasma cells, that is leading to the decline of egg quality and interruption of egg production. The detailed information on the histopathological changes in the hen ovary and oviduct could provide a better understanding about the pathogenicity of
dc.description.abstractBangkai ayam petelur ditemukan mati karena penyebaran virus yang dikenal sebagai Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) yang telah menyebabkan penurunan produksi telur yang fatal sebanyak 70% dan menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi dalam industri ayam. Studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari perubahan histopatologi penyakit IBV pada ayam untuk mengetahui kronologis penurunan produksi telur pada ayam petelur. Sampel organ dikumpulkan dari ovarium, saluran telur sebagai temuan primer serta paru-paru dan ginjal sebagai temuan sekunder. Setelah itu organ diproses untuk pemeriksaan histopatologi dan diwarnai dengan Hematoxylin- Eosin. Secara histopatologi terlihat adanya beberapa lesi di sepanjang saluran reproduksi yang ditandai dengan edematus, ooforitis, inflamasi, dan nekrosis disertai infiltrasi multifokal sel inflamasi yang didominasi oleh limfosit dan sel plasma sehingga menyebabkan penurunan kualitas sel telur dan gangguan produksi telur. Informasi detil tentang perubahan histopatologis pada ovarium ayam dan saluran telur diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang patogenisitas
dc.titleHistopathology of Reproductive Organs in Avian Infectious Bronchitisid
dc.title.alternativeHistopatologi Organ Reproduksi pada Avian Infectious Bronchitisid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordDecrease egg production, histopathology, infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), laying henid
dc.subject.keywordAyam petelur, infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), penurunan produksi telur, histopatologiid

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