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dc.contributor.advisorYanuar, Rahmat
dc.contributor.authorDzakia, Naila Izna
dc.description.abstractBuah apel merupakan hasil perkebunan khas Kota Batu yang sering digunakan sebagai bahan utama pembuatan makanan dan minuman. UKM Sari Apel Brosem merupakan usaha yang mengolah buah apel menjadi minuman sari buah yang bertempat di Kelurahan Sisir, Kota Batu. Pada akhir tahun 2019, Indonesia terkena dampak dari pandemi Covid-19 yang menyebabkan perubahan lingkungan bisnis UKM Sari Apel Brosem. Perubahan yang dialami UKM Sari Apel Brosem terkait dengan penurunan omzet penjualan mencapai 47% setelah pandemi Covid-19. Selain itu, pesaing produk sejenis banyak bermunculan dan pemasaran UKM Sari Apel Brosem masih menggunakan metode konvensional. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis faktor internal dan eksternal yang memengaruhi UKM Sari Apel Brosem serta memformulasi strategi pengembangan UKM Sari Apel Brosem dalam menghadapi kondisi shock seperti Pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian yakni matriks IFE, EFE, IE, SWOT, dan QSP. Matriks IFE dan EFE menunjukkan UKM Sari Apel Brosem memiliki posisi kuat dalam merespon lingkungan internal dan eksternal. Matriks IE dan SWOT menunjukkan posisi perusahaan pada tahap tumbuh dan dibangun yang menghasilkan enam alternatif strategi. Strategi utama yang dihasilkan melalui matriks QSP adalah mengoptimalkan perkembangan teknologi informasi di bidang Digital Marketing. Kata kunci: lingkungan eksternal, lingkungan internal, pandemi covid-19, sari buah apel, strategi usahaid
dc.description.abstractApple is a typical farming product in Batu City that is often used as the main ingredient for making food and drinks. UKM Sari Apel Brosem is a business that processes apple fruit juice and is located in Sisir Village, Batu City. At the end of 2019, Indonesia was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic which had implications for the UKM Sari Apel Brosem’s business environment. Significant impact of this change in the business environment are related to a decrease in sales turnover, which reached 47% after the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, many competitors for similar products have emerged, and the marketing of UKM Sari Apel Brosem still uses conventional methods. This study aims to analyze the internal and external factors that influence the Sari Apel Brosem UKM and formulate a development strategy for the Sari Apel Brosem UKM in dealing with shock conditions such as the Covid-19 Pandemic. The methods used in this study are the IFE, EFE, IE, SWOT, and QSP matrices. The IFE and EFE matrices show that UKM Sari Apel Brosem has a strong position in responding to the internal and external environment. The IE and SWOT matrices show the company's position at the growth and development stage, which results in six strategic alternatives. The main strategy generated through the QSP matrix is to optimize the development of information technology in the field of Digital Marketing. Keywords: external environment, internal environment, covid-19 pandemic, apple juice, business strategyid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleStrategi Pengembangan UKM Sari Apel Brosem, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur Pasca Pandemi Covid-19id
dc.title.alternativeBusiness Development Strategy Of UKM Sari Apel Brosem, City Of Batu, East Java After the Covid-19 Pandemicid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordexternal environmentid
dc.subject.keywordinternal environmentid
dc.subject.keywordcovid-19 pandemicid
dc.subject.keywordapple juiceid
dc.subject.keywordbusiness strategyid

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