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dc.contributor.advisorEfendi, Darda
dc.contributor.advisorSusanto, Slamet
dc.contributor.authorFauziah, Khusniatul
dc.description.abstractKegiatan magang dilaksanakan di PT Kusuma Agrowisata, Batu, Jawa Timur selama tiga bulan dari Januari sampai April 2020. Kegiatan magang bertujuan mempelajari kegiatan budidaya tanaman apel dan aspek khusus panen dan pasca panen buah apel dan faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Kegiatan yang dilakukan yaitu mengikuti seluruh kegiatan budidaya dari aspek teknis, aspek manajerial, dan pengamatan aspek khusus panen dan pasca panen apel. Pengamatan aspek khusus bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tahun penanaman apel Anna di tiga blok yaitu Blok C2 tahun 1999, Blok C3 tahun 1997, dan Blok A3 tahun 2002 terhadap karakteristik buah yang dipanen dan susut bobot apel selama penyimpanan di suhu ruang. Hasil dari pengamatan menunjukkan lokasi berpengaruh nyata terhadap bobot buah, dan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap diameter melintang dan diameter membujur buah. Lama penyimpanan buah apel Anna berkorelasi positif terhadap persentase susut bobot buah apel Anna. Lama penyimpanan mempengaruhi 98,78% persentase susut bobot buah yang diamati. Penyimpanan 10 hari merupakan waktu simpan dengan susut bobot tertinggi disusul oleh penyimpanan 5 hari dan 0 hari. Apel Anna dengan waktu simpan 10 hari menunjukkan perubahan mutu fisik diantaranya buah mulai membusuk dan muncul serangan cendawan pada kulit
dc.description.abstractThe internship was carried out at PT Kusuma Agrowisata, Batu, East Java for three months from January to April 2020. The internship was aimed to studying apple plant cultivation activities and specific aspects of the apple harvest and post-harvest also the factors that influence it. The activities comprised participating in technical aspects from all cultivation activities, managerial aspects, and observing specific aspects of the apple harvest and post-harvest. Observation of specific aspects aims to determine the differences in the planting year of Anna apples in three blocks, namely Block C2 in 1999, Block C3 in 1997, and Block A3 in 2002 on the characteristics of the harvested fruit and the weight loss of apples during storage at room temperature. The results of the observation indicated that location had a significant effect on fruit weight, and had no significant effect on fruit transverse diameter. The length storage time correlated positively to the percentage of Anna’s apples weight loss. Storage time affects 98.78% percentage of fruit weight loss that have been observed. Storage of 10 days is the storage time with the highest weight loss, followed by storage of 5 days and 0 days. Observation of the fruit that was stored for 10 days showed changes in physical quality, including the fruit began to rot and fungal attack
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenanganan Panen dan Pasca Panen Apel (Malus domestica Borkh.) di PT. Kusuma Agrowisata, Batu, Jawa Timurid
dc.title.alternativeHarvest and Postharvest Handling of Apples (Malus domestica Borkh.) in PT. Kusuma Agrowisata, Batu, East Javaid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordfruit characteristicid
dc.subject.keywordweight lossid

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