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dc.contributor.authorSutardi, T.
dc.description.abstractA record of feeding trials in 160 dairy cattle (12 males, 37 females) was used to study correlation bet en energy (TIN 3 or crude protein (CF) intakes and metabolic weight (W ) and weight gain (G), The animals had an average live weight of 170 82 kg and weight of .514 -374 kg/d. They consumed 3.335 & 1.452 kg TDN and . 25 .323 kg CP daily. The TIN or the CP intakes were closely correlated with the W' and the G (P < .01). The G however, was not independent from the W-75 (r = 0.3%). Grouping the animals into 4 olaesee of live weight reduced the dependency of the G on the ~'7560 that they were essentially independent fmm each other. The TDN consumptions of the enimd classes could be stated as in the following reg~essi 1). 3br 0 .. FWorr 1s0 0 -20 0-1 9 k99 g9k klgig vL eliwivveeewigneheigti ghht: t T :I: N !MrN =2.= 3- 9 1.5+.02 51 ,0++1 27..C 0$T23A4. ?5R5 *. .+9. 9-++~ ~ 2.36~. The equations for CP coneumpt ions were : 1). lbr 0 - 99 kg livewei&t : ; c - -476 + +0279W*~+~ .377G, 2). Fbr 100 - 199 kg liveweight : ~ 1 ?= .165 + .OOOB8W' + .860G, 3). $br 200 - 299 kg Idreweight : CP = .I15 + .005C6l';: + ,6686, and 4 2 Zbr => 300 kg livewei&t : CP r .$28 + .00313W + .375G. The uee of the e@ations in estimating the TDW and 8 requirements of grooming dairy cattle were
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleHubungan Konsumsi Energi dan Protein dengan Bobot Metabolik dan Pertumbuhan pada Sapi Perahid

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