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dc.contributor.authorUdin, Faqih
dc.contributor.authorHerlina, Lien
dc.contributor.authorAminudin, Indra Zulfan
dc.description.abstractCowpea is a kind of peanut that can grow well in Indonesia. Cowpea can be fermented by Rhizopus sp as a tempe. As a new product, cowpea tempe will find a difficulty to penetrate the market. Thus, needs an analysis of consumer’s acceptance of cowpea tempe and its processed products. This analysis include identifying the consumer’s acceptance of cowpea tempe and arranging the marketing strategy of cowpea tempe and its processed product. The product ivestigated are cowpea tempe, cowpea tempe snack, and cowpea tempe nugget. According to the research result, about 70 % of respondents like cowpea tempe. The most potential consumers based on respondents’s acceptance is consumers with age between 26-35 years old and senior high school level. The best product positioning for cowpea tempe is tasty, high nutrition, well-processed, and low price. About 61 % of respondents like cowpea tempe snack. The most potential consumers based on respondents’s acceptance is consumers with age between 36-45 years old. The best product positioning for cowpea tempe snack is crispy, variety of flavour, well-processed , and low price. About 37 % of respondents “like” and about 35 % “rather like” cowpea tempe nugget. The most potential consumers based on respondents’s acceptance is consumers work as self-employment. The best product positioning for cowpea tempe nugget is tasty, high nutrition, and low
dc.titleAnalisis Penerimaan Konsumen Tempe Kacang Tunggak Dan Produk Olahannyaid
dc.subject.keywordCowpea tempeid
dc.subject.keywordnew productid
dc.subject.keywordcowpea tempe snackid
dc.subject.keywordcowpea tempe nuggetid
dc.subject.keywordconsumer’s acceptanceid
dc.subject.keywordmarketing strategyid
dc.subject.keywordpotential consumersid

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