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dc.contributor.authorNasution, Siti Rachmiati
dc.description.abstractThe preservative agent is usually add into a product to improve its characteristic. The research on natural preservatives also has been using to reduce the contamination of pathogenic bacteria. The important of preservatives agent is its stability. The stability of inhibition activity of bacteriocins would maintain the ability in reducing the growth of pathogenic bacteria. In the production of food additive is use full to control the water content of bacteriocins and maintained its viability. Bacteriocins produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria strain SCG 1223 was stable at low pH (2-4), 100oC and storage condition of 4oC for 120 days. The best encapsulation formula for bacteriocins was by using 83,33% maltodextrine, 16,67% skim milk, and 20% of liquid bacteriocins SCG 1223. The condition for encapsulation was good if using lower temperature inlet of 150oC and temperature outlet of 75-80 oC. The yield obtained was 69,3% having 2,73% moisture content and 66,81% soluble solids. The low moisture content and high soluble solids showed to increase the inhibition
dc.titleKajian Aktivitas Hambat Pertumbuhan Bakteri Patogen Oleh Serbuk Bakteriosin Yang Dihasilkan Bakteri Asam Laktat Galur Scg 1223id

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