Rancang Bangun Mobil Sprayer Dengan Kendali Jarak Jauh Untuk Tanaman Cabai Merah
Design of A Car Sprayer With Remote Control For Red Chili Plants
Efforts to increase crop production are often faced with pest and disease disturbances. Dryland agriculture is a sector that requires a lot of labor. Humans have several shortcomings in doing work, one of which is physical fatigue at work. The solution to overcome this problem is to use a sprayer robot in agriculture which is equipped with a bluetooth module as a controller. The purpose of the research is to design a sprayer robot that is able to carry the load of the sprayer tank, can drive between beds with bluetooth control and analyze the performance of the sprayer. The dimensions of the sprayer robot are 87,5 cm long, 47,5 cm wide, and 38 cm high to accommodate a 50 liters sprayer tank. As for the performance of the robot, the sprayer robot can drive with a 50 kg load on the ground with a speed of 0,364 m/s and 0,799 m/s on asphalt with an average wheel slip of 20,32% on the ground and 5,27% on the asphalt. The optimum sprayer performance test results were obtained at a pressure of 3 bar (P3) which was able to produce a droplet diameter of 234,02 μm, a droplet density of 140.68 droplets/cm2, an effective spraying width of 88 cm, an effective spraying discharge of 0,784 liters/minute, and the effective spraying range and the total spraying range were 56 cm and 168 cm.