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dc.description.abstractPT. Daya Maju Lestari Block I (PT. DML Block I) is a company engaged in the industrial plantation forest business in the Kutai Kartanegara and West Kutai Regencies, East Kalimantan Province. The company has a strong commitment to sustainable forest management. To minimize the negative impact of forest exploitation on High Carbon Stock (HCS) areas in the area, it is necessary to carry out an inventory of HCS forests, threats, as well as efforts to manage and monitor HCS areas. This study aims to identify High Carbon Stock (HCS) areas in the PBPH area of PT. DML Block I, Kutai Kartanegara and West Kutai Regencies, East Kalimantan Province. Based on the results of the HCS forest inventory, it was found that in a diameter class >50 cm, 7 trees/ha were found, including 4 trees/ha in High Density Forest (DF3), 2 trees/ha in Medium Density Forest (DF2), and 1 tree/ha in Forest Low Density (DF1); in the diameter class 30-49.9 cm found 15. trees/ha covering 5 trees/ha in High Density Forest (DF3), 4 trees/ha in Medium Density Forest (DF2), 3 trees/ha in Low Density Forest (DF1) ), 2 trees/ha in Young Regeneration Forest (YRF), 2 trees/ha in Young Regeneration Forest (YRF), and 1 tree/ha in Thickets (T). The distribution of trees in diameter classes of 15-29.9 cm and 5-14.9 cm was found in each land cover class. The highest estimated carbon stock in the PBPH area of PT. DML Block I was found in the Plantation Forest (PF) land cover class of 319,705.60 tC/ha; while the lowest was in the High Density Forest cover class (DF3) of 124.41 tC/ha. Area estimates for vegetation stratification indicate that the potential HCS class in the PBPH PT. DML Block I covers an area of 2,244.27 ha, while the non-HCS class in the area covers 28,485.73 ha. Based on the results of the FGD and field observations, there are 4 threats to the HCS area in the PBPH area of PT. DML Block I namely (1) Illegal logging, (2) Area encroachment, (3) and (3) Forest and land fires. HCS area management activities in the PBPH area of PT. DML Block I that needs to be done is marking boundaries, socializing internally and externally, preventing and protecting HCS areas, and coordinating with relevant agencies and the community. HCS area monitoring activities that need to be carried out include taking an inventory of HCS forests, effectively preventing and controlling disturbances to HCS areas, and monitoring the intensity of disturbances to HCS
dc.titleKajian Stok Karbon Tinggi (Skt) Di Areal Pbph Pt. Daya Maju Lestari Blok I, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara Dan Kutai Barat, Provinsi Kalimantan Timurid
dc.subject.keywordHigh Carbon Stockid
dc.subject.keywordPT. Daya Maju Lestari Blok Iid

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