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dc.contributor.advisorIlyas, Satriyas
dc.contributor.advisorPalupi, Endah Retno
dc.contributor.advisorSusila, Anas Dinurrohman
dc.description.abstractJahe putih besar (JPB) mempunyai peranan lebih tinggi dibandingkan jahe merah dan jahe putih kecil karena diversifikasi produk yang dihasilkan. Perbanyakan tanaman jahe biasanya dilakukan dengan rimpang. Ukuran benih JPB yang voluminous sekitar 40-60 g dengan 2-3 tunas menyebabkan kebutuhan benih sangat tinggi yaitu 2-3 ton ha-1 • Selama ini belum ada pemisahan budidaya rimpang konsumsi dan rimpang untuk benih. Hal tersebut menyebabkan kebutuhan benih sebelum sortasi jauh lebih besar lagi. Dalam satu lot benih rimpang, paling tinggi hanya 70% yang dapat digunakan untuk benih. Sortasi ketat diperlukan untuk mendapatkan benih rimpang yang bermutu tinggi. Teknologi produksi yang tersedia menghasilkan rimpang dengan tingkat kemasakan fisiologis yang tidak sama, sehingga dalam satu rumpun rimpang tidak semua anak rimpang dapat digunakan sebagai benih. Efisiensi bahan tanam JPB dapat dilakukan dengan mengurangi kuantitas penggunaan benih, yaitu melalui penggunaan biji botani (true seed), benih rimpang yang hanya terdiri atas satu propagul, dan penggunaan rimpang yang diperkecil ukurannya merupakan alternatif yang dapat dikembangkan untuk menekan kebutuhan bahan tanam. Pengembangan teknologi perbanyakan untuk mendapatkan bahan tanam JPB secara generatif (biji) maupun vegetatif (rimpang) telah dilakukan yang terdiri atas beberapa tahapan yaitu (1) Persyaratan pembentukan biji: kelengkapan organ produksi, ploidy dan peningkatan viabilitas serbuk sari (2) Pemanfaatan rimpang tunggal sebagai benih bermutu tinggi serta potensi produksinya (3) Penurunan ukuran benih rirnpang, penentuan waktu panen dan viabilitas benih rimpang kecil (4) Peningkatan mutu benih rimpang kecil melalui pemupukan Kalium dan pembuangan
dc.description.abstractLarge white ginger have more functions than small white ginger and red ginger. Ginger plants are currently propagated using rhizomes. Weight of large size rhizome seed are 40-60 g, which have 2-3 buds, this causes rhizome seed needs as high as 2-3 ton ha- 1 • At present, there has been no separation of cultivation between rhizomes seeds and rhizome consumption. It caused high rhizmome seeds. The highest is 70% that can be used for seed in a lot of rhizome seeds. Sorting have to be done to obtain high quality rhizome seeds. The production technology produces rhizomes with different physiological maturity level, not all rhizomes can be used as seed. Efficiency JPB of plant material by reduce the quantity of seeds. Using true seed, single rhizome seeds,and small size rhizome seeds/unvoluminous are alternative that can be developed to minimize of seeds. Development of propagation technology to get planting materials JPB generative (seeds) and vegetative (rhizomes) has been carried out which consists of several stages: (I) Requirements seed formation: completeness organ production, ploidy and increased viability of pollen (2) Utilization of rhizome single as high quality seed and potential production (3) Reducing the size of rhizome seeds without decreasing its quality would be beneficial, determine appropriate harvesting time for small rhizomes seeds ( 4) improve viability and storability of small size rhizome seeds through the appropriate potassium application and shoot pinchings. The aim of the experiments were: (I) to inform completeness of reproductive organs, and ploidy JPB, as well as improve viability of pollen to increase viability with boron and zinc application and its potential for pollination, (2) to evaluate viability, storability, examine growth and potential production of single rhizome, (3) to observe the planting medium and the watering intensity to produces small rhizome seed with high viability and determine appropriate harvesting time for small rhizomes seeds, (4) to improve the viability of small rhizome seeds through the appropriate potassium application and shoot pinching to improve its
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id
dc.titlePengembangan bahan tanam jahe putih besar (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) melalui biji, rimpang tunggal, dan rimpang tunggal kecil bermutu tinggiid
dc.title.alternativePlanting Material Development of Large White Ginger through True Seed, Single Rhizome, and Small Size Single Rhizome of High Qualityid
dc.subject.keywordlong storage abilityid
dc.subject.keywordplanting mediaid
dc.subject.keywordshoot pinchingid
dc.subject.keywordwatering intensityid
dc.subject.keywordGinger plantsid
dc.subject.keywordRhizome seedsid
dc.subject.keywordTrue ginger seedid
dc.subject.keywordMedicinal cropsid
dc.subject.keywordRhizome borne diseaseid

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