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dc.contributor.advisorJamaran, Irawadi
dc.contributor.advisorHaeruman, Herman
dc.contributor.advisorFauzi, Anas M.
dc.contributor.advisorRomli, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorHerman, Atih Surjati
dc.description.abstractKerjasama vertikal antar usaha yang bergerak pada rantai pasokan sayuran ejak dari petani, pengolah sampai dengan eksportir dan rantai swalayan diteliti untuk rekayasa model aliansi strategis agroindustri sayuran bernilai ekonomi tinggi, engan batasan kajian pada aspek kelembagaannya. Analisis faktor-faktor yang emungkinkan terjadinya interaksi antar anggota kerjasama dilakukan secara saling telikait kepada 15 perusahaan dan 5 kelompok tani dalam satu rantai pasokan terpilih di Jawa Barat dan DKI Jakarta. Data diolah menggunakan teknik-teknik analytical hierarchy process, independent preference evaluation dan interpretative structural modeling. Model disusun menggunakan teknik heuristik dan diverifikasi menggunakan data sayuran edamame dan paprika. Kerjasama vertikal antar usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang produksi, pe golahan sampai dengan distribusi sayuran saat ini belum berbentuk aliansi stmtegis. Kelayakan kerjasama berkisar antara potensial sampai dengan baik, dengan masalah utama pembagian risiko yang terlalu besar terbebankan pada petani. Ketergantungan antar mitra relatif seimbang, memungkinkan dikembangkannya aliansi strategis agroindustri sayuran berkwalitas tinggi untuk pasokan ke pasar-pasar spesial. Kelembagaan yang mempunyai kekuatan penggerak dan ketergantungan tinggi pada sistem aliansi vertikal adalah eksportir, rantai swalayan dan pengolah, sedangkan petani merupakan kelembagaan dengan kekuatan penggerak kecil dan ke ergantungan tinggi kepada sistem. Model aliansi strategis agroindustri sayuran menempatkan eksportir, rantai swalayan dan pengolah sebagai perusahaan inti yang beraliansi. Petani ditempatkan sebagai mitra utama aliansi yang memperoleh manfaat langsung melalui alokasi margin keuntungan sebesar 30% dalam model analisis finansial. Model pengukuran ki erja aliansi strategis didasarkan pada pengukuran kinerja pelaksanaan rencana bisnis bersama menggunakan perangkat ukuran seimbang (balanced scorecard) di m sing-masing anggota aliansi, yang diagregasikan menggunakan teknik independent preference evaluation. Untuk melakukan analisis finansial aliansi strategis dibuat perangkat lunak komputer FAStraVA (Financial Analysis for Strategic Alliance of Agroindustry) kasus edamame dan parika, dan untuk membantu mengagregasikan telok ukur kinerja dikembangkan perangkat lunak PEStraVA (Performance aluation for Strategic Alliance of Vegetable Agroindustry).id
dc.description.abstractVertical cooperation among business entities of high value vegetable supply chain has been studied to design a strategic alliance model of vegetable agroindustry. The study focuses on inter-organizational coordination among farmer, processor and customer of high value vegetable to be sold at premium market, i.e. export and supermarket chain. Decision-making computational models used were Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Independent Preference Evaluation (IPE), and Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM). Vertical cooperation in existing high value vegetable supply chain was still traditionally coordinated on a short-term basis. The partnership quality ranged between potential to good, with potential conflict caused by unequally distributed risk. The supplier-customer interdependencies were about equal, which gives opportunities to establish a strategic alliance of vegetable agroindustry. Institutions identified as having high driver power in the establishment of strategic alliance were exporter, supermarket chain and processor. The main milestone in the establishment . will be the variation of objectives among members as a result of their education levels, experiences and knowledge. Optimum profit as the "true objective11 of strategic alliance's member is agreed to achieve only if cooperation and operational performance has been achieved. The designed model of strategic alliance of vegetable agro-industry composed by three main institutions, i.e. processor, exporter and supermarket chain. Farmer is positioned as the main partner of the agro-industry who gets a direct benefit from the cooperation. Performance of strategic alliance was evaluated based on the implementation progress of the business plan in each member organization by using a balanced scorecard. Aggregation to get the final score of the performance was done by using the independent preference evaluation technique. To assist the financial analysis of the strategic alliance model and to do the aggregation of the performance scores, computer software (Financial Analysis for Strategic Alliance of Vegetable Agroindustry/F AStra VA and Performance Evaluation for Strategic Alliance of Vegetable Agroindustry/ PEStra VA) were developed. Application of the model in the case of edamame and paprika by using data and information collected in 2001 proved that the model is implementable. Strategic alliance of edamame agroindustry increases the profit margin of the supply chain of edamame from 8% to 17% and the performance of the whole chain by 345%. Operational cost of edamame for export is equivalent with the rate of Rp.8.980/US$, and edamame farmers increase their profit from 7% to 22%. In the case of paprika, strategic alliance model distributes the margin and the marketing risk as expected by the member and increases the performance of the supply chain by 233%. Operational cost of paprika for export is equivalent with the exchange rate ofRp.8.300/US$. Implementation of the model should be supported by a deep study on integration of small farmers to form an economically feasible farm unit for vegetable production. Government support to facilitate the establishment of the broker and its institution is needed to assist the establishment of strategic alliance of vegetable agroindustry, especially on its first
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id
dc.subject.ddcAgricultural economicid
dc.titleModel aliansi strategis agroindustri sayuran bernilai ekonomi tinggiid
dc.title.alternativeStrategic Alliance of High-Value Vegetable Agroindustryid
dc.subject.keywordHigh-value vegetableid
dc.subject.keywordVertical cooperationid

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