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dc.contributor.advisorPermana, Idat Galih
dc.contributor.advisorToharmat, Toto
dc.contributor.authorRosmalia, Annisa
dc.description.abstractPemberian pakan dan kebutuhan nutrisi ternak perah saat ini masih dalam bentuk hijauan dan konsentrat yang diproduksi dari koperasi lokal yang hanya memperhitungkan kebutuhan protein kasar (PK), total digestible nutrient (TDN), serta mineral Ca dan P. Formulasi ransum ternak perah yang mempertimbangkan rumen degradable protein (RDP), non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC), dan sulfur lebih akurat dalam mengestimasi performa ternak dibandingkan hanya dengan komposisi kimia pakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan presisi penyusunan ransum ternak perah melalui reformulasi ransum berbasis RDP, NFC, dan sulfur. Penelitian ini terdiri atas 3 tahapan. Tahap pertama adalah mengkaji efek sumber NFC yang berbeda dan suplementasi sulfur pada ransum berbasis RDP secara in vitro. Tahap kedua, yaitu efektivitas metode proteksi protein pada pakan tinggi RDP. Tahap ketiga adalah pengujian reformulasi ransum presisi berbasis RDP, NFC, dan sulfur pada kambing perah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat interaksi antara sumber NFC (jagung dan gaplek) dengan level sulfur yang berbeda terhadap pH rumen. Nilai pH rumen lebih rendah pada ransum NFC jagung. Konsentrasi amonia lebih rendah pada ransum NFC gaplek. Iso-butirat dan iso-valerat pada ransum NFC jagung lebih tinggi dibandingkan NFC gaplek yang berkaitan dengan tingginya kandungan asam amino bercabang. Populasi mikroba rumen (bakteri dan protozoa), produksi sintesis protein mikroba (SPM), kecernaan bahan kering dan bahan organik (KcBK dan KcBO) tidak berbeda antar sumber NFC dan level sulfur. Metode proteksi protein pemanasan dan formaldehid pada pakan tinggi RDP mengubah kandungan nutrien sebesar 1%–6%. Proteksi protein menurunkan tingkat degradasi bahan kering, bahan organik dan protein kasar (BK, BO, dan PK). Metode proteksi protein pemanasan dan formaldehid menurunkan fraksi mudah terlarut (a) pada kinetika BK dan BO, fraksi potensial terdegradasi (b) untuk kinetika BK, dan a+b untuk kinetika BK dan PK. Laju degradasi dari fraksi b (nilai c) pada BK, BO, dan PK tidak dipengaruhi oleh jenis pakan dan metode proteksi, serta interaksi antara keduanya. Degradasi efektif BK, BO, dan PK pakan tinggi RDP menurun akibat proteksi protein dengan pemanasan dan formaldehid dibandingkan tanpa proteksi. Metode formaldehid signifikan menurunkan nilai KcBK, KcBO, dan kecernaan protein (KcPK). Pengujian in vivo ransum berbasis RDP terproteksi, NFC gaplek, dan sulfur berdampak pada peningkatan konsumsi PK dan bahan ekstrak tanpa nitrogen, serta menurunkan konsumsi lemak kasar dan serat kasar. Produksi susu, urea susu, dan produksi komponen nutrien (solid non fat, laktosa dan protein) juga meningkat, sedangkan profil asam lemak C12:0 dan C18:1 trans menurun. Hematologi darah (eritrosit, leukosit, hemoglobin, hematokrit, dan diferensiasi leukosit) tidak berbeda antar ransum perlakuan yang menunjukkan bahwa ransum berbasis RDP, NFC, dan sulfur tidak mengganggu status kesehatan ternak. Ransum RDP terproteksi dan NFC gaplek tanpa suplementasi sulfur menghasilkan glukosa darah yang paling tinggi, namun suplementasi sulfur menurunkan glukosa darah. Penggunaan ransum berbasis RDP terproteksi tanpa diimbangi dengan penambahan sumber karbohidrat yang cukup menghasilkan kadar blood urea nitrogen (BUN) yang tinggi. Ransum berbasis RDP terproteksi, NFC gaplek, dan sulfur meningkatkan efisiensi pakan dan income over feed cost (IOFC). Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah formulasi ransum berbasis RDP dengan sinkronisasi NFC asal pakan lokal (jagung dan gaplek) serta suplementasi sulfur berdampak positif terhadap optimalisasi aktivitas mikroba, sintesis protein, fermentasi, dan kecernaan. Kedua jenis metode proteksi (pemanasan dan formaldehid) tidak mengubah komposisi kimia dan menurunkan degradasi nutrien. Metode pemanasan menurunkan degradasi nutrien di dalam rumen tanpa menurunkan nilai kecernaan pasca rumen. Reformulasi ransum berbasis RDP terproteksi, NFC gaplek, dan sulfur mampu meningkatkan produktivitas ternak, efisiensi pakan, namun tidak mengganggu kesehatan
dc.description.abstractThe feeding and nutritional requirements of dairy livestock are currently still in the form of forage and concentrates produced from local cooperatives that only take into account the requirement of crude protein (CP), total digestible nutrients (TDN), and minerals Ca and P. Formulation of dairy rations that consider rumen degradable protein (RDP), non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC), and sulfur is more accurate in estimating dairy performance than just the chemical composition of feed. This study aimed to improve the precision of dairy cattle ration by reformulating it based on RDP, NFC, and sulfur. This study consisted of three stages. The first stage examined the effects of different NFC sources and sulfur supplementation on the RDP-based rations in vitro. The second stage, namely the effectiveness of the protein protection method on high-RDP feeds. The third stage was the reformulation testing of precision rations based on RDP, NFC, and sulfur in dairy goats. The results showed an interaction between NFC sources (corn and cassava) with different sulfur levels against the rumen pH. The pH value of the rumen was lower in the NFC corn. The ammonia concentration was lower in the NFC cassava. The iso-butyrate and iso-valerate in NFC corn were higher than in NFC cassava, associated with the high content of branched amino acids. Rumen microbial populations (bacteria and protozoa), microbial protein synthesis (MPS), dry matter and organic matter digestibility (DMD and OMD) did not differ between NFC sources and sulfur levels. The protection methods by heating and formaldehyde treatments in high RDP feeds changed the nutrient content by 1%–6%. Protein protection lowered the degradation rate of dry matter, organic matter, and crude protein (DM, OM, CP). The heating and formaldehyde protein protection method lowered the soluble fraction (a) in DM and OM kinetics, the degraded potential fraction (b) for DM kinetics, and a+b for DM and CP kinetics. The degradation rate of fraction b (value c) in DM, OM, and CP is not influenced by the type of feed, the method of protection, or the interaction between the two. The effective degradation of DM, OM, and CP of high RDP feeds decreased due to protein protection by heating and formaldehyde compared to without protection. The formaldehyde method significantly lowered the values of DMD, OMD, and protein digestibility (CPD). In vivo testing of dairy ration based on protected RDP, NFC, and sulfur impacted the increased intake of CP and nitrogen-free extract and decreased intake of ether extract and crude fiber. Milk production, urea, and yield nutrients (solid non-fat, lactose, and protein) also increased, while the fatty acid profile, including C12:0 and C18:1, decreased. Blood hematology (erythrocytes, leukocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and leukocyte differentiation) did not differ between treatment rations indicating that RDP, NFC, and sulfur-based rations did not interfere with the health status of livestock. Protected RDP rations and NFC cassava without sulfur supplementation produced the highest blood glucose, but sulfur supplementation lowered blood glucose. The use of RDP-protected-based rations without being balanced by the addition of sufficient carbohydrate sources resulted in high blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels. Protected RDP-based rations, NFC, and sulfur improved feed efficiency and income over feed cost (IOFC). It is concluded that RDP-based ration formulation with NFC synchronization of local feed (corn and cassava) and sulfur supplementation positively impacted optimizing microbial activity, protein synthesis, fermentation, and digestibility. Both types of protection methods (heating and formaldehyde) did not change the chemical composition and lowered the degradation of nutrients. The heating method lowers nutrient degradation in the rumen without lowering the post-rumen digestibility value. Reformulating dairy ration based on protected RDP, NFC cassava, and sulfur could improve dairy performance, productivity, and feed efficiency but did not interfere with health
dc.description.sponsorshipBeasiswa PMDSU (Pendidikan Magister menuju Doktor untuk Sarjana Unggul) - Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id
dc.titleRansum Ternak Perah Presisi Berbasis Rumen Degradable Protein, Non-Fiber Carbohydrate, dan Sulfurid
dc.title.alternativePrecision Dairy Ration Based on Rumen Degradable Protein, Non-Fiber Carbohydrate, and Sulfurid
dc.subject.keyworddairy rationid
dc.subject.keywordnon-fiber carbohydrateid
dc.subject.keywordrumen degradable proteinid

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