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dc.contributor.advisorBudi, Sri Wilarso
dc.contributor.authorSalim, Mohammad Agus
dc.identifier.citationSalim MA. 2022. Physiological Adaptation of Forest Plant Seeds to Aluminum and Iron Exposure and Their Growth in Post-Coal Mining Media [disertasi]. Bogor (ID): Institut Pertanian Bogorid
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu (1) Evaluasi toleransi jenis tanaman hutan terhadap paparan Al dan Fe. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan media kultur air. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangn acak lengkap (RAL) dengan perlakuan masing-masing konsentrasin Al dan Fe dengan taraf untuk paparan Al (0, 2, 4, 6, dan 8 mM), sementara Fe (0, 0.25, 0,5, 0,75, 1, 1,25, 1,5, dan 2 mM). Parameter yang diamati meliputi: pertumbuhan tinggi, panjang akar, berat kering akar, pucuk dan total, indeks toleransi, kandungan klorofil, dan peroksida lipid MDA. (2) Mekanisme adaptasi berbasis asam organik pada semai tanaman hutan terhadap paparan Al dan Fe. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan perlakuan masing-masing konsentrasi Al (0, 2, 4, 6, dan 8 mM) dan Fe (0, 0,5, 1, 1,5, dan 2 mM). Tanaman yang digunakan adalah trembesi (S. saman). Parameter yang diukur adalah sekresi dan akumulasi dari asam-asam organik ketika terpapar Al maupun Fe. (3) Uji aplikasi amelioran tanah dan FMA pada media pascatambang batubara dengan paparan Al dan Fe. Penelitian ini mengggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan petak terbagi (split plot design) yang terdiri atas tiga perlakuan yaitu: FMA, amelioran tanah (kompos, kapur dan faba) dan dosis Al dan Fe. Petak utama berupa FMA yang terdiri dari 2 taraf (M0: tanpa FMA, M1: dengan FMA). Anak petak terdiri dari amelioran tanah dan konsentrasi Al serta Fe. Amelioran tanah terdiri dari 6 taraf (A0: tanah 100% + kompos 0% + kapur 0% + faba 0%, A1: tanah 95% + kompos 0 % + kapur 0 % + faba 5%, A2: tanah 90% + kompos 0% + kapur 0% + faba 10%, A3: tanah 94,5% + kompos 5 % + kapur 0,5% + faba 0%, A4: tanah 89,5% + kompos 5% + kapur 0,5% + faba 5%, A5: tanah 84,5% + kompos 5 % + kapur 0,5 % + faba 10 %), sementara Al serta Fe terdiri atas 3 taraf (C0: 0 mM Al + 0 mM Fe, C1: 2 mM Al + 0,25 mM Fe, C2: 6 mM Al + 1.25 mM Fe). Tanaman yang yang digunakan adalah S. saman, S. siamea, F. moluccana, dan A. chinensis. Parameter yang diukur meliputi tinggi, kesuburan tanah, diameter, biomassa, kekokohan bibit, nisbah pucuk akar (NPA), indeks mutu bibit (IMB), kandungan klorofil SPAD, laju fotosintesis, serapan unsur hara, kolonisasi akar, ketergantungan terhadap mikoriza, dan lebar kambium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap jenis tanaman hutan memberikan respon yang berbeda-beda terhadap adanya paparan Al dan Fe. Jenis Periscopsis mooniana, Samanea saman, dan Enterolobium cyclocarpum menjadi jenis yang tahan terhadapa paparan Al. Paparan Al 2 mM meningkatkan kandungan klorofil a, b dan total klorofil semai F. moluccana dan A. chinensis serta karotenoid pada semai S. saman. Nilai MDA pada semai S. saman lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan jenis lainnya, dan konsentrasi 6 mM meningkatkan kandungan MDA S. saman. Sementara, Periscopsis mooniana, Samanea saman, dan Swietenia macrophylla menjadi jenis yang tahan terhadapa paparan Fe. Paparan Fe dengan konsentrasi rendah 0,5 – 1 mM mampu meningkatkan kandungan klorofil beberapa semai, meskipun peningkatannya tidak konsisten. Nilai MDA paling signifikan terdapat dikonsentrasi 1,5 mM pada jenis F. moluccana. Semai S. saman mensekresikan dan mengakumulasikan asam-asam organik, seperti asetat, laktat, sitrat, malat, dan oksalat ketika terpapar Al dan Fe. Asetat dan sitrat menjadi asam organik yang paling berperan dalam mengkhelat Al, sementara laktat dan sitrat yang paling berperan dalam mengkhelat Fe di sekitar perakaran (rizosfer) atau media (pertahanan eksternal). Selain itu, paparan Al dan Fe dapat meningkatkan akumulasi asam-asam organik, meskipun peningkatannya tidak konsisten. Perlakuan pemberian faba (fly ash dan bottom ash) dapat meningkatkan pH tanah dari masam sampai agak alkali, sementara kapur hanya meningkatkan pH dari masam sampai netral. Pemberian amelioran juga dapat menurunkan kandungan Al dan Fe. Perlakuan pemberian FMA baik secara tunggal maupun kombinasi dengan perlakuan lainnya dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan, nilai klorofil SPAD, dan laju fotosintesis S. saman, S. siamea, F. moluccana, dan A. chinensis. Perlakuan M1A3C2 (FMA, kompos, kapur, dan paparan Al 6 mM serta Fe 1,25 mM) memberikan respon terbaik pada pertumbuhan tinggi dan biomassa S. saman, sementara pada A. chinensis perlakuan M1A3C2 memberikan respon terbaik hanya pada pertumbuhan tinggi. Perlakuan M1A3C1 (FMA, kompos, kapur, dan paparan Al 2 mM serta Fe 0,25 mM) memberikan respon terbaik pada pertumbuhan tinggi dan biomassa S. siamea, serta biomassa pada A. chinensis. Sementara, pada F. moluccana M1A0C2 (FMA, tanpa amelioran, dan paparan Al 2 mM serta Fe 1,25 mM) memberikan respon terbaik pada pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter, serta biomassa. Jenis S. saman memiliki kualitas bibit lebih baik terutama yang diberi perlakuan FMA, dilihat dari kekokohan bibit, nisbah pucuk akar (NPA), dan indek mutu bibit (IMB). FMA juga mampu membantu meningkatkan penyerapan unsur N dan P pada jenis S. saman. Kombinasi semua perlakuan dengan FMA menghasilkan kolonisasi akar dengan katagori tinggi pada S. saman, sementara pada ketiga jenis lainnya tergolong sedang sampai tinggi, sementara untuk katagori ketergantungan terhadap mikoriza pada semua jenis tanaman yang diuji mulai dari katagori marginal sampai sangat tinggi. Bibit S. saman berumur 5 bulan telah menunjukkan terbentuknya kayu yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya kambium. S. saman menjadi jenis potensial yang dapat digunakan dalam kegiatan revegteasi di lahan pascatambang batubara. Penggunaan FMA sangat penting dalam membantu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman di lahan pascatambang batubara. Sementara, kompos dan kapur dapat dijadikan bahan amelioran untuk meningkatkan kesuburan dan pertumbuhan di lahan pascatambang batubara. Namun, dalam hal ini penggunaan kapur dapat digantikan dengan faba. Adanya Al dan Fe sampai pada konsentrasi tertentu dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan
dc.description.abstractThis study consisted of three parts, namely (1) Evaluation of tolerance of forestry plant species to exposure to Al and Fe. This research was conducted using water culture media. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with the treatment of each concentration of Al and Fe with levels for exposure to Al (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 mM) while Fe (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, and 2 mM). This research was carried out in a set of experiments with each exposure to Al and Fe. Parameters observed included: growth height, root length, root dry weight, shoot and total, tolerance index, chlorophyll content, and MDA (malondialdehyde) lipid peroxide. (2) The mechanism of adaptation based on organic acids in forestry seedlings to exposure to Al and Fe. This study used a completely randomized design with the respective concentrations of Al (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 mM) and Fe (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 mM). The plant used is S. saman. The parameters measured were the secretion and accumulation of organic acids when exposed to Al or Fe. (3) Test the application of soil ameliorants and AMF on post-coal mining media with exposure to Al and Fe. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with a spsplit-plotesign consisting of three treatments, namely: AMF, soil ameliorant (compost, lime, and faba) and doses of Al and Fe. The main plot is AMF which consists of 2 levels (M0: without AMF, M1: with AMF). The sub-plots consisted of soil ameliorants and concentrations of Al and Fe. Soil ameliorant consisted of 6 levels (A0: 100% soil + 0% compost + 0% lime + 0% faba, A1: 95% soil + 0% compost + 0% lime + 5% faba, A2: 90% soil + compost 0% + lime 0% + faba 10%, A3: soil 94,5% + compost 5% + lime 0,5% + faba 0%, A4: soil 89,5% + compost 5% + lime 0,5% + faba 5%, A5: soil 84,5% + compost 5% + lime 0,5% + faba 10%, while Al and Fe consist of 3 levels (C0: 0 mM Al + 0 mM Fe, C1: 2 mM Al + 0,25 mM Fe, C2: 6 mM Al + 1,25 mM Fe). The plants used were S. saman, S. siamea, F. moluccana, and A. chinensis. Parameters measured included height, soil fertility, diameter, biomass, seedling sturdiness, root shoot ratio, seed quality index, dependence on mycorrhizae, cambium width. The results showed that each type of seedling gave different responses to exposure to Al and Fe. Exposure to 2 mM Al was able to increase the growth of height, root length, biomass and tolerance index of A. chinensis and S. saman seedlings. Meanwhile, in the type of F. moluccana exposure to 2 mM Al only increased growth in height and biomass. In addition, exposure to 2 mM Al was also able to increase the chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll content of F. moluccana and A. chinensis seedlings as well as carotenoids in S. saman seedlings. The MDA value in S. saman seedlings was higher than other types, and a concentration of 6 mM was able to increase the MDA content of S. saman. Meanwhile, the Fe exposure treatment showed that 0,25 mM Fe concentration was able to increase growth in height, root length, biomass, and the tolerance index of seedlings of F. moluccana, E. cyclocarpum, S. macrophylla, and P. mooniana. Meanwhile, 0,5 mM Fe concentration was only able to increase growth in height, root length, biomass, and seedling tolerance index of F. moluccana and S. saman. The presence of Fe exposure was able to increase the content of chlorophyll, carotenoids and lipid peroxide MDA in some seedlings, although the increase was not consistent in all types of seedlings. S. saman seedlings were able to secrete and accumulate organic acids, such as acetic, lactic, citric, malic, and oxalate when exposed to Al and Fe. Acetic, lactic, and citric acids were secreted at all concentrations of Al and Fe. Malic acid was only secreted when exposed to Al 4 and 8 mM, as well as exposure to Fe 1.5 and 2 mM. Meanwhile, oxic acid was only secreted when exposed to 2 mM Al and 2 mM Fe. Acetate and citric are the organic acids that have the most role in chelating Al, while lactate and citrate are the most involved in chelating Fe around the roots (rhizosphere) or media (external defense). In addition, exposure to Al and Fe was able to increase the accumulation of organic acids, although the increase was not consistent. Treatment with faba (fly ash and bottom ash) was able to increase the pH from acidic to slightly alkaline, while lime was only able to increase the pH from acidic to neutral. Faba is also able to reduce the content of Al and Fe. The treatment of AMF either alone or in combination with other treatments increased growth, SPAD chlorophyll values, and photosynthetic rates of S. saman, S. siamea, F. moluccana, and A. chinensis. Treatment M1A3C2 (AMF, compost, lime, and exposure to Al 6 mM and Fe 1.25 mM) gave the best response to the growth of S. saman height and biomass, while A. chinensis treatment of M1A3C2 gave the best response only to height growth. The M1A3C1 treatment (AMF, compost, lime, and exposure to Al 2 mM and Fe 0.25 mM) gave the best response to the growth of height and biomass of S. siamea, and biomass of A. chinensis. Meanwhile, F. moluccana M1A0C2 (AMF, without ameliorant, and exposure to Al 2 mM and Fe 1.25 mM) gave the best response to growth in height and diameter, as well as biomass. The use of 5% faba combined with compost and lime (M1A4C2) was able to increase the growth of S. saman seedlings. S. saman species had better seed quality, especially those treated with AMF, which was assessed from seedling sturdiness, shoot-to-root ratio (NPA), and seed quality index (IMB). The combination of all treatments with AMF resulted in root colonization in the high category on S. saman, while the other three species were classified as moderate to high, while for the category of dependence on mycorrhizae in all plant species tested, ranging from marginal to very high. 5-month-old S. saman seedlings have shown the formation of wood which is indicated by the presence of cambium. S. saman is a potential species that can be used in revegetation activities in post-coal mining areas. The use of AMF is very important in helping plant growth and development in post-coal mining areas. Meanwhile, compost and lime can be used as ameliorants to increase fertility and growth in post-coal mining areas. However, in this case, the use of lime and is replaced with faba. The presence of Al and Fe up to a certain concentration can increase plant growth and
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id
dc.titleAdaptasi Fisiologis Bibit Tanaman Hutan Terhadap Paparan Aluminium dan Besi serta Pertumbuhannya pada Media Pascatambang
dc.title.alternativePhysiological Adaptation of Forest Plant Seeds to Aluminum and Iron Exposure and Their Growth in Post-Coal Mining Mediaid
dc.subject.keywordAl and Fe exposureid
dc.subject.keywordpost-mining coalid

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