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dc.contributor.advisorRimbawan, Rimbawan
dc.contributor.advisorAries, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorGinting S, Putri Mulifajar
dc.description.abstractStres oksidatif merupakan kondisi tingginya radikal bebas yang dapat dicegah melalui diet kaya antioksidan. Parijoto (Medinilla speciosa Blume.) adalah buah kaya antioksidan yang masih terbatas pemanfaatannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat produk yogurt dengan tambahan sari buah parijoto yang disebut “Yorito” serta mengkaji potensi antioksidan dan nilai gizinya. Formulasi berupa variasi proporsi susu dan sari buah parijoto yaitu F0(100:0), F1(90:10), F2(80:20), F3(70:30). Analisis yang dilakukan adalah uji karakteristik fisik, uji organoleptik, kandungan gizi, kapasitas antioksidan, dan kadar antosianin yogurt. Kapasitas antioksidan ekstrak metanol buah parijoto dikategorikan sebagai antioksidan kuat dengan IC50 sebesar 68,26 μg/ml dan Ascorbic acid Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (AEAC) 38.135 mg vitamin C/100 g. Kadar antosianin tanpa pemisahan 16,62 mg/L dan dengan pemisahan dietil eter 16,78 mg/L. Penambahan sari buah parijoto menurunkan viskositas yogurt (p<0,05) dan tidak memengaruhi pH yogurt. Kandungan gizi formula terpilih (F2) yaitu, kadar air 81,37%, abu 0,82%, lemak 2,86%, protein 3,34%, dan karbohidrat 11,65%. Kapasitas antioksidan “Yorito” dinyatakan dalam IC50 yang nilainya sebesar 120,52 mg/ml, atau setara 21,60 mg vitamin C/100 g. “Yorito” mengandung antosianin sebanyak 0,42 mg/L dan dapat dikategorikan sebagai pangan kaya
dc.description.abstractOxidative stress is a condition of high free radicals that can be prevented with an antioxidant-rich diet. Parijoto (Medinilla speciosa Blume.), is a finite antioxidant-rich fruit. This study aimed to make yogurt products with the addition of parijoto fruit juice called “Yorito”, examine its antioxidant potential and nutritional content. The formulations were variations of milk and parijoto fruit juice, namely F0(100:0), F1(90:10), F2(80:20), and F3(70:30). The analysis carried out were the physical characteristics, organoleptic tests, nutritional content, antioxidant capacity, and anthocyanin levels of the yogurt. The antioxidant capacity of parijoto fruit methanol extract were categorized as strong antioxidant with IC50 68.26 μg/ml and Ascorbic acid Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (AEAC) 38.135 mg of vitamin C/100 g. Anthocyanin levels without separations were 16.62 mg/L, and with-diethyl ether separations were 16.78 mg/L. The addition of parijoto fruit juice lowered viscosity (p<0.05) and did not affect yogurt pH. The nutritional content of the selected formula (F2) was moisture 81.37%, ash 0.82%, fat 2.86%, protein 3.34%, and carbohydrates 11.65%. The “Yorito” antioxidant capacity was expressed in IC50, which is 120.52 mg/ml, equivalent to 21.60 mg of vitamin C/100 g. “Yorito” contains anthocyanins as much as 0.42 mg/L and can be categorized as an antioxidant-rich
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKapasitas Antioksidan Yogurt dengan Sari Buah Parijoto (Medinilla speciosa Blume.)id
dc.title.alternativeAntioxidant Capacity of Yogurt with Parijoto Fruit Juice (Medinilla speciosa Blume.)id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordanthocyanin, antioxidant capacity, parijoto, yogurtid

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