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dc.contributor.advisorSusanto, Slamet
dc.contributor.advisorHapsari, Dhika Prita
dc.contributor.authorUtami, Harliani Sri
dc.description.abstractPepaya merupakan tanaman yang dapat berproduksi sepanjang tahun di Indonesia. Pepaya memiliki banyak varietas sehingga memiliki rasa, bentuk dan ukuran yang beragam. Keragaman pepaya unggul perlu dievaluasi sebagai upaya mempertahankan karakter kualitasnya. Tujuan penelitian ini mengkarakterisasi dan mengklasifikasi keragaman kualitas fisik dan kimia buah pepaya Calina. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan Metode Purposive Random Sampling dengan sampel sebanyak 50 pohon. Setiap pohon sampel diambil empat buah sehingga terdapat total 200 buah pepaya. Setiap pohon sampel diberi kode bentuk buah berdasarkan Descriptor for Papaya. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Pepaya Desa Babakan Lebak, Kelurahan Balumbang Jaya, Kecamatan Bogor Barat, Kota Bogor dan Laboratorium Pasca Panen Fakultas Pertanian IPB dari bulan April hingga bulan Juli 2022. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan terdapat keragaman bentuk dan rongga buah Pepaya Calina yaitu elongate, lengthened cylindrical, oval, dan globular dengan bentuk rongga round, irregular dan star. Pepaya Calina memiliki bentuk buah di ujung tangkai tipe depressed dan digolongkan sebagai buah pepaya berukuran kecil hingga sedang. Rongga buah pepaya berbentuk star memiliki bobot jumlah biji yang lebih tinggi. Buah berbentuk elongate dan lengthened-cylindrical memiliki bentuk sesuai dengan deskripsi pepaya Calina. Buah berbentuk globular memiliki nilai PTT paling tinggi (11,90 ⁰Brix) sedangkan buah berbentuk oval memiliki nilai PTT paling rendah (10,64 ⁰Brix). Kandungan vitamin C berkisar antara 123,89-127,14 mg/100g tidak berbeda nyata antar bentuk buah. Bobot buah berkorelasi positif dengan panjang, diameter, tebal daging buah, volume buah, dan bobot
dc.description.abstractPapaya is a plant that can grow all year round in Indonesia. Papaya has many varieties, so it has a variety of flavors, shapes, and sizes. The diversity of superior papaya in the field should be evaluated to maintain its quality character. The research purpose is to characterize and classify the diversity of physical and chemical qualities of Calina papaya. The sampling method used the Purposive Random Sampling Method with a sample of 50 trees, each tree sampled four papayas, so there were 200 total papayas. The sample tree is coded with a fruit shape based on the Descriptor for Papaya. The research was conducted from April to July 2022 at Papaya Gardens in Babakan Lebak Village, Balumbang Jaya Village, West Bogor District, Bogor City, and the Post-Harvest Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, IPB. The results of the experiment showed that there were variations in the shape and cavity of the Papaya Calina, namely elongate, lengthened-cylindrical, oval, and globular with round, irregular and star cavity. Calina papaya has a fruit shape at the end of the stem of the depressed type and is classified as a small to medium-sized papaya fruit. The star-shaped papaya fruit cavity has a higher seed weight. The elongated and lengthened-cylindrical fruit has a shape according to the description of the Calina papaya Globular fruit has the highest PTT value (11.90 oBrix) while oval fruit has the lowest PTT value (10.64 oBrix). Vitamin C content ranged from 123.89-127.14 mg/100g not significantly different between fruit shapes. Fruit weight was positively correlated with length, diameter, flesh thickness, fruit volume, and seed
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKeragaman Kualitas Fisik dan Kimia Buah Pepaya Calinaid
dc.title.alternativeThe Diversity of Physical and Chemical Quality of Calina Papaya Fruitid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordtropical fruitid
dc.subject.keywordfruit qualityid

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