Analisis Sustainable Value Stream Mapping (Sus-Vsm) Sebagai Upaya Untuk Meminimalisasi Pemborosan Di PT XYZ
Increase competition between company fosters the company to maintain their quality while increasing efficiency and production effectiveness. As an effort to overcome those problems is with waste minimization. Sustainable Value Stream Mapping (Sus-VSM) is an integrated VSM technique which comes from traditional Lean Manufacturing with additional metrics to evaluate the impact of the environment and social welfare. This research aims to give recommendations for company improvements in terms of economic, environmental, and social aspects. Analysis of the sustainability metrics at PT XYZ showed that the total defect product are 60 packs with total cycle time is 9472.95 seconds, and social sustainability aspect with highest PLI score is 29 and work environmental risk get score of 3 in high-speed components. These three things become potential aspects for improvement. Proposed improvements are made using 5W1H method. Alternative improvements given were able to reduce the lead time from 9798.95 seconds to 9768.95 seconds, reduce the risk of high-speed components at roll forming stations from 3 to 1, and minimize the waste of the company by applied of work discipline.