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dc.contributor.authorNurmalasari, Diah
dc.description.abstractINTRODUCTION. Application of AMF has been proven to be able to increase plant growth. Mycofer® has been produced and widely tried by Laboratory of Forest and Environmental Biotechnology, Center for Research on Biotechnology and Biological Resources (PPSHB), Bogor Agricultural Institute. Collection of research results on application of Mycofer® need to be conducted to learn the extent of Mycofer® inoculum application effectiveness on plants. Beside that, this activity could show the synergy of Mycofer® application on forestry crops, which up to now had been applied more frequently on agricultural crops. The objective of this research was to learn the extent of effectiveness of Mycofer® application on forestry, agriculture, plantation crops, bioremediation, and livestock forage crops. METHODOLOGY. Method used in this study was collecting and analyzing research results on application of Mycofer®, in the form of undergraduate thesis, master thesis, and dissertation in library of Laboratory of Forest and Environmental Biotechnology, PPSHB, IPB. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION. Results of study on a series of research on application of Mycofer® showed that Mycofer® was effective enough in associating with various forestry crops, such as teak (with single Mycofer® application and combination with bone meal), Sizygium spp. (with single treatment of Mycofer®), Ficus spp. (with single treatment of Mycofer® and its combination with Bio-organic), Swietenia macrophylla (with single of treatment of Mycofer® and its combination with fertilizer Suburin, and Gmelina arborea (with single Mycofer® treatment and its combination with 100 % Omega, 50 % Omega + 50 % NPK Plus, and 100 % NPK); with agricultural crops, such as: upland rice (with single Mycofer® treatment and its combination with fertilizer P, fertilizer Si, and fertilizer P + Si), tomato of TC variety and Arthaloka variety (with single Mycofer® treatment and its application with humic acid), Aloe vera and red onion (with single Mycofer® treatment), and soybean (with single Mycofer® and its combination (with Bradyrhizobium japonicum, biostimulant, and Bradyrhizobium japonicum + biostimulant); with plantation crops, such as: Pogostemon cablin (with single Mycofer® treatment), and cacao (with single Mycofer® treatment and its combination with FA); with bioremediation, such as on tailling media with Leucaena leucocephala (with single Mycofer® treatment and its combination with animal manure and compost fertilizer), with Acacia auriculiformis (combined with animal manure), and Gliricidia maculata (with single Mycofer® treatment and its combination with animal manure and compost); effective enough in soil media which was contaminated up to 45 % by petroleum, with Ficus spp.; and in peat soil media which was contaminated by petroleum with Calopogonium mucunoides; in acid soil medium of red yellow podsolic soil with high aluminum content (with single Mycofer® treatment and its combination with Rhizobium in crops of Pueraria javanica, Calopogonium mucunoides, Calopogonium caerelium, and Centrosema pubescens); livestock forage crops, such as: Setaria splendida (with single Mycofer® application and its combination with fertilizer N-P 25 % DS, 50 % DS, 100 % DS, Azospirillum, Azospirillum + fertilizer N-P 50 % DS, NPK fertilizer dosages of 0.7 g, 2.1 g, and 4.5 g per plant), and Chloris gayana (with single Mycofer® treatment and its combination with NPK fertilizer with dosages of 0.7 g, 1.4 g and 2.1 g per plant. Key words: Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, Mycofer® , Inoculumid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleEfektivitas Mycofer® Terhadap Tanaman Kehutanan, Pertanian, Perkebunan, Bioremediasi, Dan Pakan Hijau Ternak (Kajian Pustaka)id

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