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dc.contributor.advisorSunarti, Titi Candra
dc.contributor.authorLutfiani, Nuri Retno
dc.description.abstractJahe merupakan komoditas rempah-rempah yang banyak dikonsumsi dan diketahui manfaatnya, sehingga berpotensi untuk dikembangkan baik dalam pembuatan produk makanan maupun minuman. Selain komponen bahan aktif minyak atsiri, jahe juga memiliki kandungan pati berkisar 45-55% dari bobot rimpang kering. Dalam pembuatan minuman herbal, pati merupakan hasil samping dalam proses ekstraksi bahan aktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan kandungan pati dengan bantuan enzim alfa amilase serta meningkatkan penerimaan konsumen dengan penambahan rempah-rempah. Metode yang digunakan adalah Human Centered Design (HCD) yang diawali dari identifikasi masalah, verifikasi masalah, ideasi, prototipe, dan verifikasi solusi. Hasil observasi terhadap produk komersial menunjukkan tingkat rasa pedas terbilang rendah dibandingkan tingkat rasa manis pada produk. Prototyping sirup jahe merah dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali. Prototype 1 berdasarkan hasil uji organoleptik sudah menunjukkan beberapa parameter telah sesuai preferensi konsumen, namun masih terdapat beberapa parameter yang perlu diperbaiki. Selain itu, prototype 1 memiliki konsistensi yang kental dan berkabut, terdapat sedikit after-taste pahit, serta setelah disimpan di kulkas selama 24 jam produk membentuk gumpalan keras seperti gel. Prototype 2 telah memiliki konsistensi yang baik, namun rasa pahit yang dihasilkan masih terdeteksi. Hasil uji organoleptik prototype 3 menunjukkan tingkat rasa pedas dan rasa manis telah sesuai dengan preferensi konsumen dengan aroma yang lebih wangi dan manis. Formulasi terpilih sirup jahe merah menggunakan 250 g jahe merah, 125 g gula kristal, 500 g air, dan 35 g
dc.description.abstractProduct Development of Herbal Ginger Syrup. Supervised by TITI CANDRA SUNARTI. Ginger is a spice commodity that is widely consumed and its benefits are known, so it has the potential to be developed both in the manufacture of food and beverage products. In addition to the active ingredient components of essential oils, ginger also has a starch content ranging from 45-55% of the dry rhizome weight. In the manufacture of herbal drinks, starch is a by-product in the process of extracting the active ingredients. This study aims to utilize the starch content with the help of the enzyme alpha amylase and increase consumer acceptance with the addition of spices. The method used is Human Centered Design (HCD) which begins with problem identification, problem verification, ideation, prototype, and solution verification. The results of observations on commercial products show that the level of spicy taste is relatively low compared to the level of sweetness in the product. The red ginger syrup prototype was carried out 3 times. Prototype 1 based on the results of organoleptic tests has shown that several parameters are in accordance with consumer preferences, but there are still some parameters that need to be improved. In addition, prototype 1 has a thick and cloudy consistency, there is a slight bitter after-taste, and after being stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours the product forms hard lumps like gel. Prototype 2 already has a good consistency, but the resulting bitter taste is still detectable. The results of the organoleptic test of prototype 3 show that the level of spicy and sweet taste is in accordance with consumer preferences with a more fragrant and sweet aroma. The selected formulation of red ginger syrup uses 250 g of red ginger, 125 g of crystal sugar, 500 g of water, and 35 g of
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengembangan Produk Sirup Jahe Herbalid
dc.title.alternativeProduct Development of Herbal Ginger Syrupid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordalpha amylaseid
dc.subject.keywordred gingerid
dc.subject.keywordlow sugarid
dc.subject.keywordred ginger syrupid

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